Granularity for mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems

Finding good feasible points is crucial in mixed-integer programming. For this purpose we combine a sufficient condition for consistency, called granularity, with the moment-/sos-hierarchy from polynomial optimization. If the mixed-integer problem is granular, we obtain feasible points by solving continuous polynomial problems and rounding their optimal points. The moment-/sos-hierarchy is hereby used to solve those … Read more

On the Convergence of Projected Alternating Maximization for Equitable and Optimal Transport

This paper studies the equitable and optimal transport (EOT) problem, which has many applications such as fair division problems and optimal transport with multiple agents etc. In the discrete distributions case, the EOT problem can be formulated as a linear program (LP). Since this LP is prohibitively large for general LP solvers, Scetbon \etal \cite{scetbon2021equitable} … Read more

A feasible rounding approach for granular optimization problems

We introduce a new technique to generate good feasible points of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems. It makes use of the so-called inner parallel set of the relaxed feasible set, which was employed in O. Stein, Error bounds for mixed integer linear optimization problems, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 156 (2016), 101-123, as well as O. Stein, Error … Read more

Error bounds for mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems

We introduce a-posteriori and a-priori error bounds for optimality and feasibility of a point generated as the rounding of an optimal point of the NLP relaxation of a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem. Our analysis mainly bases on the construction of a tractable approximation of the so-called grid relaxation retract. Under appropriate Lipschitz assumptions on the … Read more

Implicitely and Densely Discrete Black-Box Optimization Problems

This paper addresses derivative-free optimization problems where the variables lie implicitly in an unknown discrete closed set. The evaluation of the objective function follows a projection onto the discrete set, which is assumed dense rather than sparse. Such a mathematical setting is a rough representation of what is common in many real-life applications where, despite … Read more

Numerical Issues and Influences in the Design of Algebraic Modeling Languages for Optimization

This paper draws from our experience in developing the AMPL modeling language, to show where numerical issues have been crucial to modeling language design and where modeling language advances have strongly influenced the design of solvers. CitationProceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds., University of … Read more