Distributed Basis Pursuit

We propose a distributed algorithm for solving the optimization problem Basis Pursuit (BP). BP finds the least L1-norm solution of the underdetermined linear system Ax = b and is used, for example, in compressed sensing for reconstruction. Our algorithm solves BP on a distributed platform such as a sensor network, and is designed to minimize … Read more

A proximal point algorithm for sequential feature extraction applications

We propose a proximal point algorithm to solve LAROS problem, that is the problem of finding a “large approximately rank-one submatrix”. This LAROS problem is used to sequentially extract features in data. We also develop a new stopping criterion for the proximal point algorithm, which is based on the duality conditions of \eps-optimal solutions of … Read more

A Polynomial-Time Solution Scheme for Quadratic Stochastic Programs

We consider quadratic stochastic programs with random recourse – a class of problems which is perceived to be computationally demanding. Instead of using mainstream scenario tree-based techniques, we reduce computational complexity by restricting the space of recourse decisions to those linear and quadratic in the observations, thereby obtaining an upper bound on the original problem. … Read more

A Complementarity Partition Theorem for Multifold Conic Systems

Consider a homogeneous multifold convex conic system $$ Ax = 0, \; x\in K_1\times \cdots \times K_r $$ and its alternative system $$ A\transp y \in K_1^*\times \cdots \times K_r^*, $$ where $K_1,\dots, K_r$ are regular closed convex cones. We show that there is canonical partition of the index set $\{1,\dots,r\}$ determined by certain complementarity … Read more

Efficient Serial and Parallel Coordinate Descent Methods for Huge-Scale Truss Topology Design

In this work we propose solving huge-scale instances of the truss topology design problem with coordinate descent methods. We develop four efficient codes: serial and parallel implementations of randomized and greedy rules for the selection of the variable (potential bar) to be updated in the next iteration. Both serial methods enjoy an O(n/k) iteration complexity … Read more

Dynamic Graph Generation for Large Scale Operational Train Timetabling

The aim of operational train timetabling is to find a conflict free timetable for a set of passenger and freight trains with predefined stopping time windows along given routes in an infrastructure network so that station capacities and train dependent running and headway times are observed. Typical models for this problem are based on time-discretized … Read more

An algorithm for the choice of the regularization parameter in inverse problems in imaging

In this paper we present an iterative algorithm for the solution of regularization problems arising in inverse image processing. The regularization function to be minimized is constituted by two terms, a data fit function and a regularization function, weighted by a regularization parameter. The proposed algorithm solves the minimization problem and estimates the regularization parameter … Read more

Twice differentiable characterizations of convexity notions for functions on full dimensional convex sets

We derive $C^2-$characterizations for convex, strictly convex, as well as uniformly convex functions on full dimensional convex sets. In the cases of convex and uniformly convex functions this weakens the well-known openness assumption on the convex sets. We also show that, in a certain sense, the full dimensionality assumption cannot be weakened further. In the … Read more