Experiments in Robust Portfolio Optimization

We present experimental results on portfolio optimization problems with return errors under the robust optimization framework. We use several a histogram-like model for return deviations, and a model that allows correlation among errors, together with a cutting-plane algorithm which proves effective for large, real-life data sets. Citation Columbia Center for Financial Engineering Report 2007-01 Columbia … Read more

An Exact Solution Approach for Portfolio Optimization Problems under Stochastic and Integer Constraints

In this paper, we study extensions of the classical Markowitz mean-variance portfolio optimization model. First, we consider that the expected asset returns are stochastic by introducing a probabilistic constraint which imposes that the expected return of the constructed portfolio must exceed a prescribed return threshold with a high confidence level. We study the deterministic equivalents … Read more

A New Cone Programming Approach for Robust Portfolio Selection

The robust portfolio selection problems have recently been studied by several researchers (e.g., see \cite{GoIy03,ErGoIy04,HaTu04,TuKo04}). In their work, the “separable” uncertainty sets of the problem parameters (e.g., mean and covariance of the random returns) were considered. These uncertainty sets share two common drawbacks: i) the actual confidence level of the uncertainty set is unknown, and … Read more

Portfolio Selection with Robust Estimation

Mean-variance portfolios constructed using the sample mean and covariance matrix of asset returns perform poorly out-of-sample due to estimation error. Moreover, it is commonly accepted that estimation error in the sample mean is much larger than in the sample covariance matrix. For this reason, practitioners and researchers have recently focused on the minimum-variance portfolio, which … Read more

Consistency of robust portfolio estimators

It is a matter of common knowledge that traditional Markowitz optimization based on sample means and covariances performs poorly in practice. For this reason, diverse attempts were made to improve performance of portfolio optimization. In this paper, we investigate three popular portfolio selection models built upon classical mean-variance theory. The first model is an extension … Read more

Large Scale Portfolio Optimization with Piecewise Linear Transaction Costs

We consider the fundamental problem of computing an optimal portfolio based on a quadratic mean-variance model of the objective function and a given polyhedral representation of the constraints. The main departure from the classical quadratic programming formulation is the inclusion in the objective function of piecewise linear, separable functions representing the transaction costs. We handle … Read more

Local versus Global Profit Maximization: The Case of Discrete Concave Production Functions

In this paper we show that for discrete concave functions, a local maximum need not be a global maximum. We also provide examples of discrete concave functions where this coincidence holds. As a direct consequence of this, we can establish the equivalence of local and global profit maximizers for an equivalent well-behaved production function that … Read more

Spectral Bounds for Sparse PCA: Exact & Greedy Algorithms

Sparse PCA seeks approximate sparse “eigenvectors” whose projections capture the maximal variance of data. As a cardinality-constrained and non-convex optimization problem, it is NP-hard and yet it is encountered in a wide range of applied fields, from bio-informatics to finance. Recent progress has focused mainly on continuous approximation and convex relaxation of the hard cardinality … Read more

Using EPECs to model bilevel games in restructured electricity markets

We study a bilevel noncooperative game-theoretic model of restructured electricity markets, with locational marginal prices. Each player in this game faces a bilevel optimization problem that we remodel as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints, MPEC. The corresponding game is an example of an EPEC, equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints. We establish sufficient conditions for … Read more

Extensions of Lo’s semiparametric bound for European call options

Computing semiparametric bounds for option prices is a widely studied pricing technique. In contrast to parametric pricing techniques, such as Monte-Carlo simulations, semiparametric pricing techniques do not re- quire strong assumptions about the underlying asset price distribution. We extend classical results in this area in two main directions. First, we derive closed-form semiparametric bounds for … Read more