Branch-and-Cut-and-Price for Multi-Agent Pathfinding

There are currently two broad strategies for optimal Multi-agent Pathfinding (MAPF): (1) search-based methods, which model and solve MAPF directly, and (2) compilation-based solvers, which reduce MAPF to instances of well-known combinatorial problems, and thus, can benefit from advances in solver techniques. In this work, we present an optimal algorithm, BCP, that hybridizes both approaches … Read more

An Exact Solution Approach for the Inventory Routing Problem with Time Windows

The inventory routing problem (IRP) is an integrated inventory and transportation planning problem that jointly determines the replenishment schedules for a given set of retailers, and the routing decisions for a supplier that distributes a product to the retailers over a finite planning horizon typically consisting of multiple periods. In the classical IRP, retailers are … Read more

Mixed Integer Programming models for planning maintenance at offshore wind farms under uncertainty

We introduce the Stochastic Maintenance Fleet Transportation Problem for Offshore wind farms (SMFTPO), in which a maintenance provider determines an optimal, medium-term planning for maintaining multiple wind farms while controlling for uncertainty in the maintenance tasks and weather conditions. Since the maintenance provider is typically not the owner of a wind farm, it needs to … Read more

Hub Location and Route Dimensioning: Strategic and Tactical Intermodal Transportation Hub Network Design

We propose a novel hub location model that jointly eliminates the traditional assumptions on the structure of the network and on the discount due to economies of scale in an effort to better reflect real-world logistics and transportation systems. Our model extends the hub literature in various facets: instead of connecting non-hub nodes directly to … Read more

Strategic Network Design for Parcel Delivery with Drones under Competition

This paper studies the economic desirability of UAV parcel delivery and its e ect on e-retailer distribution network while taking into account technological limitations, government regulations, and customer behavior. We consider an e-retailer o ering multiple same day delivery services including a fast UAV service and develop a distribution network design formulation under service based competition where … Read more

Tactical Design of Same-Day Delivery Systems

We study tactical models for the design of same-day delivery (SDD) systems. Same-day fulfillment in e-commerce has seen substantial growth in recent years, and the underlying management of such services is complex. While the literature includes operational models to study SDD, they tend to be detailed, complex, and computationally difficult to solve, and thus may … Read more

Decomposing the Train Scheduling Problem into Integer Optimal Polytopes

This paper presents conditions for which the linear relaxation for the train scheduling problem is integer-optimal. These conditions are then used to identify how to partition a general problem’s feasible region into integer-optimal polytopes. Such an approach yields an extended formulation that contains far fewer binary variables. Our computational experiments show that this approach results … Read more

The Fuel Replenishment Problem:A Split-Delivery Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips

In this paper, we formally define and model the Fuel Replenishment Problem (FRP). The FRP is a multi-compartment, multi-trip, split-delivery VRP in which tanker trucks transport different types of petrol, separated over multiple vehicle compartments, from an oil depot to petrol stations. Large customer demands often necessitate multiple deliveries. Throughout a single working day, a … Read more

On the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with time windows, correlated travel times, and time dependency

Most state-of-the-art algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem, such as Branch-and- Price algorithms or meta heuristics, rely on a fast feasibility test for a given route. We devise the fi rst approach to approximately check feasibility in the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with time windows, where travel times are correlated and depend on the time of … Read more

Oracle-Based Algorithms for Binary Two-Stage Robust Optimization

In this work we study binary two-stage robust optimization problems with objective uncertainty. The concept of two-stage robustness is tailored for problems under uncertainty which have two different kinds of decision variables, first-stage decisions which have to be made here-and-now and second-stage decisions which can be determined each time after an uncertain scenario occured. We … Read more