Semidefinite Bounds for the Stability Number of a Graph via Sums of Squares of Polynomials

Lov\’ asz and Schrijver [1991] have constructed semidefinite relaxations for the stable set polytope of a graph $G=(V,E)$ by a sequence of lift-and-project operations; their procedure finds the stable set polytope in at most $\alpha(G)$ steps, where $\alpha(G)$ is the stability number of $G$. Two other hierarchies of semidefinite bounds for the stability number have … Read more

Termination and Verification for Ill-Posed Semidefinite Programming Problems

We investigate ill-posed semidefinite programming problems for which Slater’s constraint qualifications fail, and propose a new reliable termination criterium dealing with such problems. This criterium is scale-independent and provides verified forward error bounds for the true optimal value, where all rounding errors due to floating point arithmetic are taken into account. It is based on … Read more

Parsimonious Binary-Encoding in Integer Programming

We describe an effective method for doing binary-encoded modeling, in the context of 0/1 linear programming, when the number of feasible configurations is not a power of two. Our motivation comes from modeling all-different restrictions. Article Download View Parsimonious Binary-Encoding in Integer Programming

Approximating K-means-type clustering via semidefinite programming

One of the fundamental clustering problems is to assign $n$ points into $k$ clusters based on the minimal sum-of-squares(MSSC), which is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, by using matrix arguments, we first model MSSC as a so-called 0-1 semidefinite programming (SDP). We show that our 0-1 SDP model provides an unified framework for … Read more

A semidefinite programming based heuristic for graph coloring

The Lovasz theta function is a well-known polynomial lower bound on the chromatic number. . Any near optimal solution of its semidefinite programming formulation carries valuable information on how to color the graph. A self-contained presentation of the role of this formulation in obtaining heuristics for the graph coloring problem is presented. Citation Submitted to … Read more

Computing the stability number of a graph via linear and semidefinite programming

We study certain linear and semidefinite programming lifting approximation schemes for computing the stability number of a graph. Our work is based on, and refines De Klerk and Pasechnik’s approach to approximating the stability number via copositive programming (SIAM J. Optim. 12 (2002), 875–892). We provide a closed-form expression for the values computed by the … Read more

On the equivalence of the max-min transportation lower bound and the time-indexed lower bound for single-machine scheduling problems

New observations are made about two lower bound schemes for single-machine min-sum scheduling problems. We find that the strongest bound of those provided by transportation problem relaxations can be computed by solving a linear program. We show the equivalence of this strongest bound and the bound provided by the LP relaxation of the time-indexed integer … Read more

Wavelength Assignment in Multi-Fiber WDM Networks by Generalized Edge Coloring

In this paper, we study wavelength assignment problems in multi-fiber WDM networks. We focus on the special case that all lightpaths have at most two links. This in particular holds in case the network topology is a star. As the links incident to a specific node in a meshed topology form a star subnetwork, results … Read more

Semidefinite Programming Based Approaches to Home-away Assignment Problems in Sports Scheduling

For a given schedule of a round-robin tournament and a matrix of distances between homes of teams, an optimal home-away assignment problem is to find a home-away assignment that minimizes the total traveling distance. We propose a technique to transform the problem to MIN RES CUT. We apply Goemans and Williamson’s 0.878-approximation algorithm for MAX … Read more