Cluster branching for vehicle routing problems

This article introduces Cluster Branching, a novel branching strategy for exact algorithms solving Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). While branching is crucial for the efficiency of branch-and-bound-based algorithms, existing branching types such as Edge Branching, CutSet Branching, and Ryan&Foster Branching have their limitations. The proposed branching strategy aggregates multiple edge variables into higher-level decision structures corresponding … Read more

Interdiction of minimum spanning trees and other matroid bases

In the minimum spanning tree (MST) interdiction problem, we are given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with edge weights, and want to find some \(X\subseteq E\) satisfying a knapsack constraint such that the MST weight in \((V,E\setminus X)\) is maximized. Since MSTs of \(G\) are the minimum weight bases in the graphic matroid of \(G\), this problem … Read more

Computational Methods for the Household Assignment Problem

We consider the household assignment problem as it occurs in the geo-referencing step of spatial microsimulation models. The resulting model is a maximum weight matching problem with additional side constraints. For real-world instances such as the one for the city of Trier in Germany, the number of binary variables exceeds 10^9, and the resulting instances … Read more

A General Framework for Sequential Batch-Testing

We consider sequential testing problems that involve a system of \(n\) stochastic components, each of which is either working or faulty with independent probability. The overall state of the system is a function of the state of its individual components, and the goal is to determine the system state by testing its components at the … Read more

Globally Convergent Derivative-Free Methods in Nonconvex Optimization with and without Noise

This paper addresses the study of nonconvex derivative-free optimization problems, where only information of either smooth objective functions or their noisy approximations is available. General derivative-free methods are proposed for minimizing differentiable (not necessarily convex) functions with globally Lipschitz continuous gradients, where the accuracy of approximate gradients is interacting with stepsizes and exact gradient values. … Read more

Efficient Project Scheduling with Autonomous Learning Opportunities

We consider novel project scheduling problems in which the experience gained from completing selected activities can be used to accelerate subsequent activities. Given a set of potential learning opportunities, our model aims to identify the opportunities that result in a maximum reduction of the project makespan when scheduled in sequence. Accounting for the impact of … Read more

On the integrality gap of the Complete Metric Steiner Tree Problem via a novel formulation

In this work, we study the metric Steiner Tree problem on graphs focusing on computing lower bounds for the integrality gap of the bi-directed cut (DCUT) formulation and introducing a novel formulation, the Complete Metric (CM) model, specifically designed to address the weakness of the DCUT formulation on metric instances. A key contribution of our … Read more

Relay-Hub Network Design for Consolidation Planning Under Demand Variability

Problem description: We study the problem of designing large-scale resilient relay logistics hub networks. We propose a model of Capacitated Relay Network Design under Stochastic Demand and Consolidation-Based Routing (CRND-SDCR), which aims to improve a network’s efficiency and resilience against commodity demand variability through integrating tactical decisions. Methodology: We formulate CRND-SDCR as a two-stage stochastic … Read more

Solving the parallel processor scheduling and bin packing problems with contiguity constraints: mathematical models and computational studies

The parallel processor scheduling and bin packing problems with contiguity constraints are important in the field of combinatorial optimization because both problems can be used as components of effective exact decomposition approaches for several two-dimensional packing problems. In this study, we provide an extensive review of existing mathematical formulations for the two problems, together with … Read more