Novel formulations for general and security Stackelberg games

In this paper we analyze general Stackelberg games (SGs) and Stackelberg security games (SSGs). SGs are hierarchical adversarial games where players select actions or strategies to optimize their payoffs in a sequential manner. SSGs are a type of SGs that arise in security applications, where the strategies of the player that acts first consist in … Read more

Facets for Node-Capacitated Multicut Polytopes from Path-Block Cycles with Two Common Nodes

A path-block cycle is a graph that consists of several cycles that all intersect in a common subset of nodes. The associated path-block-cycle inequalities are valid, and sometimes facet-defining, inequalities for polytopes in connection with graph partitioning problems and corresponding multicut problems. Special cases of the inequalities were introduced by De Souza & Laurent (1995) … Read more

Complete Description of Matching Polytopes with One Linearized Quadratic Term for Bipartite Graphs

We consider, for complete bipartite graphs, the convex hulls of characteristic vectors of matchings, extended by a binary number indicating whether the matching contains two specific edges. This polytope is associated to the quadratic matching problem with a single linearized quadratic term. We provide a complete irredundant inequality description, which settles a conjecture by Klein … Read more

Tight cycle relaxations for the cut polytope

We study the problem of optimizing an arbitrary weight function w’z over the metric polytope of a graph G=(V,E), a well-known relaxation of the cut polytope. We define the signed graph (G, E^-), where E^- consists of the edges of G having negative weight. We characterize the sign patterns of the weight vector w such … Read more

On Decomposability of Multilinear Sets

In this paper, we consider the Multilinear set defined as the set of binary points satisfying a collection of multilinear equations. Such sets appear in factorable reformulations of many types of nonconvex optimization problems, including binary polynomial optimization. A great simplification in studying the facial structure of the convex hull of the Multilinear set is … Read more

A Polyhedral Approach to Online Bipartite Matching

We study the i.i.d. online bipartite matching problem, a dynamic version of the classical model where one side of the bipartition is fixed and known in advance, while nodes from the other side appear one at a time as i.i.d. realizations of a uniform distribution, and must immediately be matched or discarded. We consider various … Read more

Matroid Optimisation Problems with Nested Non-linear Monomials in the Objective Function

Recently, Buchheim and Klein suggested to study polynomial-time solvable optimisation problems with linear objective functions combined with exactly one additional quadratic monomial. They concentrated on special quadratic spanning tree or forest problems. We extend their results to general matroid optimisation problems with a set of nested monomials in the objective function. The monomials are linearised … Read more

A polyhedral study of the cardinality constrained multi-cycle and multi-chain problem on directed graphs

In this paper, we study the Cardinality Constrained Multi-cycle Problem (CCMcP) and the Car- dinality Constrained Cycle and Chain Problem (CCCCP). A feasible solution allows one or more cardinality-constrained cycles to exist on the digraph. A vertex can only be involved in at most one cycle, and there may be vertices not involved in any … Read more

Projection Results for the k-Partition Problem

The k-partition problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem with many applications. Chopra and Rao introduced two integer programming formulations of this problem, one having both node and edge variables, and the other having only edge variables. We show that, if we take the polytopes associated with the `edge-only’ formulation, and project them into a … Read more

Euler Polytopes and Convex Matroid Optimization

Del Pia and Michini recently improved the upper bound of kd due to Kleinschmidt and Onn for the largest possible diameter of the convex hull of a set of points in dimension d whose coordinates are integers between 0 and k. We introduce Euler polytopes which include a family of lattice polytopes with diameter (k+1)d/2, … Read more