Sparse Signal Reconstruction via Iterative Support Detection

We present a novel sparse signal reconstruction method “ISD”, aiming to achieve fast reconstruction and a reduced requirement on the number of measurements compared to the classical l_1 minimization approach. ISD addresses failed reconstructions of l_1 minimization due to insufficient measurements. It estimates a support set I from a current reconstruction and obtains a new … Read more

Stability of error bounds for semi-infinite convex constraint systems

In this paper, we are concerned with the stability of the error bounds for semi-infinite convex constraint systems. Roughly speaking, the error bound of a system of inequalities is said to be stable if all its “small” perturbations admit a (local or global) error bound. We first establish subdifferential characterizations of the stability of error … Read more

Estimate sequence methods: extensions and approximations

The approach of estimate sequence offers an interesting rereading of a number of accelerating schemes proposed by Nesterov. It seems to us that this framework is the most appropriate descriptive framework to develop an analysis of the sensitivity of the schemes to approximations. We develop in this work a simple, self-contained, and unified framework for … Read more

Alternating Direction Augmented Lagrangian Methods for semidefinite programming

We present an alternating direction method based on an augmented Lagrangian framework for solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problems in standard form. At each iteration, the algorithm, also known as a two-splitting scheme, minimizes the dual augmented Lagrangian function sequentially with respect to the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the linear constraints, then the dual slack variables … Read more

SINCO – a greedy coordinate ascent method for sparse inverse covariance selection problem

In this paper, we consider the sparse inverse covariance selection problem which is equivalent to structure recovery of a Markov Network over Gaussian variables. We introduce a simple but efficient greedy algorithm, called {\em SINCO}, for solving the Sparse INverse COvariance problem. Our approach is based on coordinate ascent method which naturally preserves the sparsity … Read more

Facial reduction algorithms for conic optimization problems

To obtain a primal-dual pair of conic programming problems having zero duality gap, two methods have been proposed: the facial reduction algorithm due to Borwein and Wolkowicz [1,2] and the conic expansion method due to Luo, Sturm, and Zhang [5]. We establish a clear relationship between them. Our results show that although the two methods … Read more

A Note on the Behavior of the Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm of Strohmer and Vershynin

In a recent paper by Strohmer and Vershynin (J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 15:262–278, 2009) a “randomized Kaczmarz algorithm” is proposed for solving consistent systems of linear equations {ai, x = bi }m i=1. In that algorithm the next equation to be used in an iterative Kaczmarz process is selected with a probability proportional to ai2. … Read more

Trace Norm Regularization: Reformulations, Algorithms, and Multi-task Learning

We consider a recently proposed optimization formulation of multi-task learning based on trace norm regularized least squares. While this problem may be formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP), its size is beyond general SDP solvers. Previous solution approaches apply proximal gradient methods to solve the primal problem. We derive new primal and dual reformulations of … Read more

Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition

Suppose we are given a matrix that is formed by adding an unknown sparse matrix to an unknown low-rank matrix. Our goal is to decompose the given matrix into its sparse and low-rank components. Such a problem arises in a number of applications in model and system identification, and is NP-hard in general. In this … Read more

An inexact parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian method for large system of linear equations

Parallel iterative methods are power tool for solving large system of linear equations (LQs). The existing parallel computing research results are all most concentred to sparse system or others particular structure, and all most based on parallel implementing the classical relaxation methods such as Gauss-Seidel, SOR, and AOR methods e±ciently on multiprcessor systems. In this … Read more