A Hybrid Gradient Method for Strictly Convex Quadratic Programming

In this paper, a reliable hybrid algorithm for solving convex quadratic minimization problems is presented. At each iteration, two points are computed: first, an auxiliary point $\dot{x}_k$ is generated by performing a gradient step equipped with an optimal steplength, then, the next iterate $x_{k+1}$ is obtained through a weighted sum of $\dot{x}_k$ with the penultimate … Read more

Sum theorems for maximal monotone operators under weak compactness conditions

This note presents a summary of our most recent results concerning the maximal monotonicity of the sum of two maximal monotone operators defined in a locally convex space under the classical interiority qualification condition when one of their domains or ranges has a weak relative compactness property. Citation NA Article Download View Sum theorems for … Read more

Coordinate Descent Without Coordinates: Tangent Subspace Descent on Riemannian Manifolds

We extend coordinate descent to manifold domains, and provide convergence analyses for geodesically convex and non-convex smooth objective functions. Our key insight is to draw an analogy between coordinate blocks in Euclidean space and tangent subspaces of a manifold. Hence, our method is called tangent subspace descent (TSD). The core principle behind ensuring convergence of … Read more

Optimal Learning for Structured Bandits

We study structured multi-armed bandits, which is the problem of online decision-making under uncertainty in the presence of structural information. In this problem, the decision-maker needs to discover the best course of action despite observing only uncertain rewards over time. The decision- maker is aware of certain structural information regarding the reward distributions and would … Read more

A bundle method for nonsmooth DC programming with application to chance-constrained problems

This work considers nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems whose objective and constraint functions are defined by difference-of-convex (DC) functions. We consider an infeasible bundle method based on the so-called improvement functions to compute critical points for problems of this class. Our algorithm neither employs penalization techniques nor solves subproblems with linearized constraints. The approach, which … Read more

Primal Space Necessary Characterizations of Transversality Properties

This paper continues the study of general nonlinear transversality properties of collections of sets and focuses on primal space necessary (in some cases also sufficient) characterizations of the properties. We formulate geometric, metric and slope characterizations, particularly in the convex setting. The Holder case is given a special attention. Quantitative relations between the nonlinear transversality … Read more

A parallel splitting ALM-based algorithm for separable convex programming

The augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) provides a benchmark for tackling the canonical convex minimization problem with linear constraints. We consider a special case where the objective function is the sum of $m$ individual subfunctions without coupled variables. The recent study reveals that the direct extension of ALM for separable convex programming problems is not necessarily … Read more

Proximal splitting algorithms: Relax them all!

Convex optimization problems, whose solutions live in very high dimensional spaces, have become ubiquitous. To solve them, proximal splitting algorithms are particularly adequate: they consist of simple operations, by handling the terms in the objective function separately. We present several existing proximal splitting algorithms and we derive new ones, within a unified framework, which consists … Read more

On the acceleration of the Barzilai-Borwein method

The Barzilai-Borwein (BB) gradient method is efficient for solving large-scale unconstrained problems to the modest accuracy and has a great advantage of being easily extended to solve a wide class of constrained optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a new stepsize to accelerate the BB method by requiring finite termination for minimizing two-dimensional strongly … Read more

A Regularized Smoothing Method for Fully Parameterized Convex Problems with Applications to Convex and Nonconvex Two-Stage Stochastic Programming

We present an approach to regularize and approximate solution mappings of parametric convex optimization problems that combines interior penalty (log-barrier) solutions with Tikhonov regularization. Because the regularized mappings are single-valued and smooth under reasonable conditions, they can be used to build a computationally practical smoothing for the associated optimal value function. The value function in … Read more