Directed modified Cholesky factorizations and convex quadratic relaxations

A directed Cholesky factorization of a symmetric interval matrix \A consists of a permuted upper triangular matrix R such that for all symmetric A \in \A, the residual matrix A – R^T R is positive semidefinite with tiny entries. This must holds with full mathematical rigor, although the computations are done in floating-point arithmetic. Similarly, … Read more

Constraint aggregation for rigorous global optimization

In rigorous constrained global optimization, upper bounds on the objective function help to reduce the search space. Their construction requires finding a narrow box around an approximately feasible solution, verified to contain a feasible point. Approximations are easily found by local optimization, but the verification often fails. In this paper we show that even if … Read more

How Difficult is Nonlinear Optimization? A Practical Solver Tuning Approach, with Illustrative Results

Nonlinear optimization (NLO) per definitionem covers a vast range of problems, from trivial to practically intractable. For this reason, it is impossible to offer “guaranteed” advice to NLO software users. This fact becomes especially obvious, when facing unusually hard and/or previously unexplored NLO challenges. In the present study we offer some related practical observations, propose … Read more

On the Minimization Over Sparse Symmetric Sets: Projections, Optimality Conditions and Algorithms

We consider the problem of minimizing a general continuously differentiable function over symmetric sets under sparsity constraints. These type of problems are generally hard to solve as the sparsity constraint induces a combinatorial constraint into the problem, rendering the feasible set to be nonconvex. We begin with a study of the properties of the orthogonal … Read more

How to Convexify the Intersection of a Second Order Cone and a Nonconvex Quadratic

A recent series of papers has examined the extension of disjunctive-programming techniques to mixed-integer second-order-cone programming. For example, it has been shown—by several authors using different techniques—that the convex hull of the intersection of an ellipsoid, $\E$, and a split disjunction, $(l – x_j)(x_j – u) \le 0$ with $l < u$, equals the intersection ... Read more

Solving a Huff-like Stackelberg problem on networks

This work deals with a Huff-like Stackelberg problem, where the leader facility wants to decide its location so that its profit is maximal after the competitor (the follower) also built its facility. It is assumed that the follower makes a rational decision, maximizing their profit. The inelastic demand is aggregated into the vertices of a … Read more

Strong duality in Lasserre’s hierarchy for polynomial optimization

A polynomial optimization problem (POP) consists of minimizing a multivariate real polynomial on a semi-algebraic set $K$ described by polynomial inequalities and equations. In its full generality it is a non-convex, multi-extremal, difficult global optimization problem. More than an decade ago, J.~B.~Lasserre proposed to solve POPs by a hierarchy of convex semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations … Read more

An Optimization Approach to the Design of Multi-Size Heliostat fields

In this paper, the problem of optimizing the heliostats field configuration of a Solar Power Tower system with heliostats of different sizes is addressed. Maximizing the efficiency of the plant, i.e., optimizing the energy generated per unit cost, leads to a difficult high dimensional optimization problem (of variable dimension) with an objective function hard to … Read more

Relay Optimization Method

Insurance-linked securities portfolio with the VaR constraint optimization problem have a kind of weak dominance or ordering property, which enables us to reduce the variables’ dimensions gradually through exercising a genetic algorithm with randomly selected initial populations. This property also enables us to add boundary attraction potential to GA-MPC’s repair operator, among other modifications such … Read more

A heuristic method for simultaneous tower and pattern-free field optimization on solar power systems

A heuristic method for optimizing a solar power tower system is proposed, in which both heliostat field (heliostat locations and number) and the tower (tower height and receiver size) are simultaneously considered. Maximizing the thermal energy collected per unit cost leads to a difficult optimization problem due to its characteristics: it has a nonconvex black-box … Read more