Proximity in Concave Integer Quadratic Programming

A classic result by Cook, Gerards, Schrijver, and Tardos provides an upper bound of n∆ on the proximity of optimal solutions of an Integer Linear Programming problem and its standard linear relaxation. In this bound, n is the number of variables and ∆ denotes the maximum of the absolute values of the subdeterminants of the … Read more

Consistent Second-Order Conic Integer Programming for Learning Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks (BNs) represent conditional probability relations among a set of random variables (nodes) in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and have found diverse applications in knowledge discovery. We study the problem of learning the sparse DAG structure of a BN from continuous observational data. The central problem can be modeled as … Read more

Robustification of the k-Means Clustering Problem and Tailored Decomposition Methods: When More Conservative Means More Accurate

k-means clustering is a classic method of unsupervised learning with the aim of partitioning a given number of measurements into k clusters. In many modern applications, however, this approach suffers from unstructured measurement errors because the k-means clustering result then represents a clustering of the erroneous measurements instead of retrieving the true underlying clustering structure. … Read more

Linearization and Parallelization Schemes for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization

We develop and test linearization and parallelization schemes for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming. Several linearization approaches are proposed for LP/NLP based branch-and-bound. Some of these approaches strengthen the linear approximation to nonlinear constraints at the root node and some at the other branch-and-bound nodes. Two of the techniques are specifically applicable to commonly found univariate … Read more

Solving Large-Scale Sparse PCA to Certifiable (Near) Optimality

Sparse principal component analysis (PCA) is a popular dimensionality reduction technique for obtaining principal components which are linear combinations of a small subset of the original features. Existing approaches cannot supply certifiably optimal principal components with more than $p=100s$ of variables. By reformulating sparse PCA as a convex mixed-integer semidefinite optimization problem, we design a … Read more

Mining for diamonds – matrix generation algorithms for binary quadratically constrained quadratic problems

In this paper, we consider binary quadratically constrained quadratic problems and propose a new approach to generate stronger bounds than the ones obtained using the Semidefinite Programming relaxation. The new relaxation is based on the Boolean Quadric Polytope and is solved via a Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation in matrix space. For block-decomposable problems, we extend the relaxation … Read more

Combinatorial Acyclicity Models for Potential-based Flows

Potential-based flows constitute a basic model to represent physical behavior in networks. Under natural assumptions, the flow in such networks must be acyclic. The goal of this paper is to exploit this property for the solution of corresponding optimization problems. To this end, we introduce several combinatorial models for acyclic flows, based on binary variables … Read more

Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization for District Heating Network Expansion

We present a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization model for computing the optimal expansion of an existing tree-shaped district heating network given a number of potential new consumers. To this end, we state a stationary and nonlinear model of all hydraulic and thermal effects in the pipeline network as well as nonlinear models for consumers and the … Read more

High Dimensional Three-Periods Locally Ideal MIP Formulations for the UC Problem

The thermal unit commitment (UC) problem often can be formulated as a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP), which is difficult to solve efficiently, especially for large-scale instances. The tighter characteristic re-duces the search space, therefore, as a natural conse-quence, significantly reduces the computational burden. In the literature, many tightened formulations for single units with parts … Read more

2×2-convexifications for convex quadratic optimization with indicator variables

In this paper, we study the convex quadratic optimization problem with indicator variables. For the bivariate case, we describe the convex hull of the epigraph in the original space of variables, and also give a conic quadratic extended formulation. Then, using the convex hull description for the bivariate case as a building block, we derive … Read more