A MIQCP formulation for B-spline constraints

This paper presents a mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP) formulation for B-spline constraints. The formulation can be used to obtain an exact MIQCP reformulation of any spline-constrained optimization problem, provided that the polynomial spline functions are continuous. This reformulation allows practitioners to use a general-purpose MIQCP solver, instead of a special-purpose spline solver, when solving … Read more

Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Formulation of a UAV Path Optimization Problem

We present a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation of a UAV path optimization problem in an attempt to find the globally optimum solution. As objective functions in UAV path optimization problems typically tend to be non-convex, traditional optimization solvers (typically local solvers) are prone to local optima, which lead to severely sub-optimal controls. For the … Read more

The Multiple Part Type Cyclic Flow Shop Robotic Cell Scheduling Problem: A Novel and Comprehensive Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach

This paper considers the problem of cyclic ow shop robotic cell scheduling deploying several single and dual gripper robots. In this problem, dierent part types are successively processed on multiple machines with dierent pickup criteria including free pickup, pickup within time-windows and no-waiting times. The parts are transported between the machines by the robots. We … Read more

Reliable single allocation hub location problem under hub breakdowns

The design of hub-and-spoke transport networks is a strategic planning problem, as the choice of hub locations has to remain unchanged for long time periods. However, strikes, disasters or traffic breakdown can lead to the unavailability of a hub for a short period of time. Therefore it is important to consider such events already in … Read more

Risk-based Loan Pricing: Portfolio Optimization Approach With Marginal Risk Contribution

We consider a lender (bank) who determines the optimal loan price (interest rates) to offer to prospective borrowers under uncertain risk and borrowers’ response. A borrower may or may not accept the loan at the price offered, and in the presence of default risk, both the principal loaned and the interest income become uncertain. We … Read more

Optimal Price Zones of Electricity Markets: A Mixed-Integer Multilevel Model and Global Solution Approaches

Mathematical modeling of market design issues in liberalized electricity markets often leads to mixed-integer nonlinear multilevel optimization problems for which no general-purpose solvers exist and which are intractable in general. In this work, we consider the problem of splitting a market area into a given number of price zones such that the resulting market design … Read more

Computing Feasible Points for Binary MINLPs with MPECs

Nonconvex mixed-binary nonlinear optimization problems frequently appear in practice and are typically extremely hard to solve. In this paper we discuss a class of primal heuristics that are based on a reformulation of the problem as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. We then use different regularization schemes for this class of problems and use … Read more

Characterizations of Mixed Binary Convex Quadratic Representable Sets

Representability results play a fundamental role in optimization since they provide characterizations of the feasible sets that arise from optimization problems. In this paper we study the sets that appear in the feasibility version of mixed binary convex quadratic optimization problems. We provide a complete characterization of the sets that can be obtained as the … Read more

A parallelizable augmented Lagrangian method applied to large-scale non-convex-constrained optimization problems

We contribute improvements to a Lagrangian dual solution approach applied to large-scale optimization problems whose objective functions are convex, continuously differentiable and possibly nonlinear, while the non-relaxed constraint set is compact but not necessarily convex. Such problems arise, for example, in the split-variable deterministic reformulation of stochastic mixed-integer optimization problems. The dual solution approach needs … Read more

Special cases of the quadratic shortest path problem

The quadratic shortest path problem (QSPP) is the problem of finding a path in a digraph such that the sum of weights of arcs and the sum of interaction costs over all pairs of arcs on the path is minimized. We first consider a variant of the QSPP known as the adjacent QSPP. It was … Read more