A GRASP with path-relinking for private virtual circuit routing

A frame relay service offers virtual private networks to customers by provisioning a set of long-term private virtual circuits (PVCs) between customer endpoints on a large backbone network. During the provisioning of a PVC, routing decisions are made without any knowledge of future requests. Over time, these decisions can cause inefficiencies in the network and … Read more

A study of preconditioners for network interior point methods

We study and compare preconditioners available for network interior point methods. We derive upper bounds for the condition number of the preconditioned matrices used in the solution of systems of linear equations defining the algorithm search directions. The preconditioners are tested using PDNET, a state-of-the-art interior point code for the minimum cost network flow problem. … Read more

Newton Algorithms for Large-Scale Strictly Convex Separable Network Optimization

In this work we summarize the basic elements of primal and dual Newton algorithms for network optimization with continuously differentiable (strictly) convex arc cost functions. Both the basic mathematics and implementation are discussed, and hints to important tuning details are made. The exposition assumes that the reader posseses a significant level of prior knowledge in … Read more