Regularization and Preconditioning of KKT Systems Arising in Nonnegative Least-Squares Problems

A regularized Newton-like method for solving nonnegative least-squares problems is proposed and analysed in this paper. A preconditioner for KKT systems arising in the method is introduced and spectral properties of the preconditioned matrix are analysed. A bound on the condition number of the preconditioned matrix is provided. The bound does not depend on the … Read more

ASTRAL: An Active Set \inftyhBcTrust-Region Algorithm for Box Constrained Optimization

An algorithm for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems with simple bounds is described. The algorithm is an $\ell_\infty$-norm trust-region method that uses both active set identification techniques as well as limited memory BFGS updating for the Hessian approximation. The trust-region subproblems are solved using primal-dual interior point techniques that exploit the structure of the limited … Read more

Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems

Many problems in signal processing and statistical inference involve finding sparse solutions to under-determined, or ill-conditioned, linear systems of equations. A standard approach consists in minimizing an objective function which includes a quadratic (squared $\ell_2$) error term combined with a sparseness-inducing ($\ell_1$) regularization term.{\it Basis pursuit}, the {\it least absolute shrinkage and selection operator} (LASSO), … Read more

Developments of NEWUOA for unconstrained minimization without derivatives

The NEWUOA software is described briefly, with some numerical results that show good efficiency and accuracy in the unconstrained minimization without derivatives of functions of up to 320 variables. Some preliminary work on an extension of NEWUOA that allows simple bounds on the variables is also described. It suggests a variation of a technique in … Read more

A Coordinate Gradient Descent Method for Nonsmooth Separable Minimization

We consider the problem of minimizing the sum of a smooth function and a separable convex function. This problem includes as special cases bound-constrained optimization and smooth optimization with l_1-regularization. We propose a (block) coordinate gradient descent method for solving this class of nonsmooth separable problems. We establish global convergence and, under a local Lipschitzian … Read more

A recursive trust-region method in infinity norm for bound-constrained nonlinear optimization

A recursive trust-region method is introduced for the solution of bound-constrained nonlinear nonconvex optimization problems for which a hierarchy of descriptions exists. Typical cases are infinite-dimensional problems for which the levels of the hierarchy correspond to discretization levels, from coarse to fine. The new method uses the infinity norm to define the shape of the … Read more

Derivative Free Optimization Methods for Optimizing Stirrer Configurations

In this paper a numerical approach for the optimization of stirrer configurations is presented. The methodology is based on a flow solver, and a mathematical optimization tool, which are integrated into an automated procedure. The flow solver is based on the discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by means of a fully conservative finite-volume method … Read more

Survey of Derivative Free Optimization Methods based on Interpolation

In this survey article we give the basic description of the interpolation based derivative free optimization methods and their variants. We review the recent contributions dealing with the maintaining the geometry of the interpolation set, the management of the trust region radius and the stopping criteria. Derivative free algorithms developed for problems with some structure … Read more

Computable representations for convex hulls of low-dimensional quadratic forms

Let C be the convex hull of points {(1;x)(1,x’)| x \in F\subset R^n}. Representing or approximating C is a fundamental problem for global optimization algorithms based on convex relaxations of products of variables. If n

An Extension of the Conjugate Directions Method With Orthogonalization to Large-Scale Problems With Bound Constraints

In our reports on GAMM-04 and ECCOMAS-04 there has been presented a new conjugate directions method for large scale unconstrained minimization problems. High efficiency of this method is ensured by employing an orthogonalization procedure: when constructing the next conjugate vector the component of the gradient is used that is orthogonal to the subspace of preceding … Read more