Combining Multi-Level Real-time Iterations of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to Realize Squatting Motions on Leo

Today’s humanoid robots are complex mechanical systems with many degrees of freedom that are built to achieve locomotion skills comparable to humans. In order to synthesize whole-body motions, real-tme capable direct methods of optimal control are a subject of contemporary research. To this end, Nonlinear Model Predictive Control is the method of choice to realize … Read more

Simplified Versions of the Conditional Gradient Method

We suggest simple modifications of the conditional gradient method for smooth optimization problems, which maintain the basic convergence properties, but reduce the implementation cost of each iteration essentially. Namely, we propose the step-size procedure without any line-search, and inexact solution of the direction finding subproblem. Preliminary results of computational tests confirm efficiency of the proposed … Read more

Optimality Conditions and Constraint Qualifications for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and their Practical Implications

Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems (GNEPs) are a generalization of the classic Nash Equilibrium Problems (NEPs), where each player’s strategy set depends on the choices of the other players. In this work we study constraint qualifications and optimality conditions tailored for GNEPs and we discuss their relations and implications for global convergence of algorithms. Surprisingly, differently … Read more

On the local stability of semidefinite relaxations

In this paper we consider a parametric family of polynomial optimization problems over algebraic sets. Although these problems are typically nonconvex, tractable convex relaxations via semidefinite programming (SDP) have been proposed. Often times in applications there is a natural value of the parameters for which the relaxation will solve the problem exactly. We study conditions … Read more

Sieve-SDP: a simple facial reduction algorithm to preprocess semidefinite programs

We introduce Sieve-SDP, a simple algorithm to preprocess semidefinite programs (SDPs). Sieve-SDP belongs to the class of facial reduction algorithms. It inspects the constraints of the problem, deletes redundant rows and columns, and reduces the size of the variable matrix. It often detects infeasibility. It does not rely on any optimization solver: the only subroutine … Read more

Numerically tractable optimistic bilevel problems

We consider fully convex lower level standard optimistic bilevel problems. We show that this class of mathematical programs is sufficiently broad to encompass significant real-world applications. We establish that the critical points of a relaxation of the original problem correspond to the equilibria of a suitably defined generalized Nash equilibrium problem. The latter game is … Read more

Primal-Dual Optimization Algorithms over Riemannian Manifolds: an Iteration Complexity Analysis

In this paper we study nonconvex and nonsmooth multi-block optimization over Riemannian manifolds with coupled linear constraints. Such optimization problems naturally arise from machine learning, statistical learning, compressive sensing, image processing, and tensor PCA, among others. We develop an ADMM-like primal-dual approach based on decoupled solvable subroutines such as linearized proximal mappings. First, we introduce … Read more

Globally Solving the Trust Region Subproblem Using Simple First-Order Methods

We consider the trust region subproblem which is given by a minimization of a quadratic, not necessarily convex, function over the Euclidean ball. Based on the well-known second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for this problem, we present two sufficient optimality conditions defined solely in terms of the primal variables. Each of these conditions corresponds … Read more

Convergence Analysis of Processes with Valiant Projection Operators in Hilbert Space

Convex feasibility problems require to find a point in the intersection of a finite family of convex sets. We propose to solve such problems by performing set-enlargements and applying a new kind of projection operators called valiant projectors. A valiant projector onto a convex set implements a special relaxation strategy, proposed by Goffin in 1971, … Read more

A sequential optimality condition related to the quasinormality constraint qualification and its algorithmic consequences

In the present paper, we prove that the augmented Lagrangian method converges to KKT points under the quasinormality constraint qualification, which is associated with the external penalty theory. For this purpose, a new sequential optimality condition for smooth constrained optimization, called PAKKT, is defined. The new condition takes into account the sign of the dual … Read more