Efficient preconditioner updates for shifted linear systems

We present a new technique for building effective and low cost preconditioners for sequences of shifted linear systems (A+aI)x=b, where A is symmetric positive definite and a>0. This technique updates a preconditioner for A, available in the form of an LDL’ factorization, by modifying only the nonzero entries of the L factor in such a … Read more

A Practical Relative Error Criterion for Augmented Lagrangians

This paper develops a new error criterion for the approximate minimization of augmented Lagrangian subproblems. This criterion is practical in the sense that it requires only information that is ordinarily readily available, such as the gradient (or a subgradient) of the augmented Lagrangian. It is also “relative” in the sense of relative error criteria for … Read more

New concave penalty functions for improving the Feasibility Pump

Mixed-Integer optimization represents a powerful tool for modeling many optimization problems arising from real-world applications. The Feasibility pump is a heuristic for finding feasible solutions to mixed integer linear problems. In this work, we propose a new feasibility pump approach using concave non-differentiable penalty functions for measuring solution integrality. We present computational results on binary … Read more

Derivative-free methods for nonlinear programming with general lower-level constraints

Augmented Lagrangian methods for derivative-free continuous optimization with constraints are introduced in this paper. The algorithms inherit the convergence results obtained by Andreani, Birgin, Martínez and Schuverdt for the case in which analytic derivatives exist and are available. In particular, feasible limit points satisfy KKT conditions under the Constant Positive Linear Dependence (CPLD) constraint qualification. … Read more

A Penalty-Interior-Point Algorithm for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization

Penalty and interior-point methods for nonlinear optimization problems have enjoyed great successes for decades. Penalty methods have proved to be effective for a variety of problem classes due to their regularization effects on the constraints. They have also been shown to allow for rapid infeasibility detection. Interior-point methods have become the workhorse in large-scale optimization … Read more

Augmented Lagrangian method with nonmonotone penalty parameters for constrained optimization

At each outer iteration of standard Augmented Lagrangian methods one tries to solve a box-constrained optimization problem with some prescribed tolerance. In the continuous world, using exact arithmetic, this subproblem is always solvable. Therefore, the possibility of finishing the subproblem resolution without satisfying the theoretical stopping conditions is not contemplated in usual convergence theories. However, … Read more

A relaxed constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification and applications

In this work we introduce a relaxed version of the constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification (CPLD) that we call RCPLD. This development is inspired by a recent generalization of the constant rank constraint qualification from Minchenko and Stakhovski that was called RCR. We show that RCPLD is enough to ensure the convergence of an … Read more

On the Use of Stochastic Hessian Information in Unconstrained Optimization

This paper describes how to incorporate stochastic curvature information in a Newton- CG method and in a limited memory quasi-Newton method for large scale optimization. The motivation for this work stems from statistical learning and stochastic optimization applications in which the objective function is the sum of a very large number of loss terms, and … Read more

Beyond symmetric Broyden for updating quadratic models in minimization without derivatives

Some highly successful algorithms for unconstrained minimization without derivatives construct changes to the variables by applying trust region methods to quadratic approximations to the objective function F(x), x in R^n. A quadratic model has (n+1)(n+2)/2 independent parameters, but each new model may interpolate only 2n+1 values of F, for instance. The symmetric Broyden method takes … Read more

Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for infinite-dimensional first-order differential inclusions

The main objective of this paper is to provide new explicit criteria to characterize weak lower semi-continuous Lyapunov pairs or functions associated to first-order differential inclusions in Hilbert spaces. These inclusions are governed by a Lipschitzian perturbation of a maximally monotone operator. The dual criteria we give are expressed by the means of the proximal … Read more