On solving trust-region and other regularised subproblems in optimization

The solution of trust-region and regularisation subproblems which arise in unconstrained optimization is considered. Building on the pioneering work of Gay, More’ and Sorensen, methods which obtain the solution of a sequence of parametrized linear systems by factorization are used. Enhancements using high-order polynomial approximation and inverse iteration ensure that the resulting method is both … Read more

The Constant Rank Condition and Second Order Constraint Qualifications

The Constant Rank condition for feasible points of nonlinear programming problems was defined by Janin in Ref. 1. In that paper the author proved that the condition was a first order constraint qualification. In this work we prove that the Janin Constant Rank condition is, in addition, a second order constraint qualification. We also define … Read more

An Interior-Point Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization with Inexact Step Computations

We present a line-search algorithm for large-scale continuous optimization. The algorithm is matrix-free in that it does not require the factorization of derivative matrices. Instead, it uses iterative linear system solvers. Inexact step computations are supported in order to save computational expense during each iteration. The algorithm is an interior-point approach derived from an inexact … Read more

The Integer Approximation Error in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control

We extend recent work on nonlinear optimal control problems with integer restrictions on some of the control functions (mixed-integer optimal control problems, MIOCP) in two ways. We improve a theorem that states that the solution of a relaxed and convexified problem can be approximated with arbitrary precision by a solution fulfilling the integer requirements. Unlike … Read more

A New Relaxation Scheme for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

We present a new relaxation scheme for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPEC), where the complementarity constraints are replaced by a reformulation that is exact for the complementarity conditions corresponding to sufficiently non-degenerate complementarity components and relaxes only the remaining complementarity conditions. A positive parameter determines to what extent the complementarity conditions are relaxed. The … Read more

Self-correcting geometry in model-based algorithms for derivative-free unconstrained optimization

Several efficient methods for derivative-free optimization (DFO) are based on the construction and maintenance of an interpolation model for the objective function. Most of these algorithms use special “geometry-improving” iterations, where the geometry (poisedness) of the underlying interpolation set is made better at the cost of one or more function evaluations. We show that such … Read more

The Advanced Step NMPC Controller: Optimality, Stability and Robustness

Widespread application of dynamic optimization with fast optimization solvers leads to increased consideration of first-principles models for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC). However, significant barriers to this optimization-based control strategy are feedback delays and consequent loss of performance and stability due to on-line computation. To overcome these barriers, recently proposed NMPC controllers based on nonlinear … Read more

A Fast Moving Horizon Estimation Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Programming Sensitivity

Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) is an efficient optimization-based strategy for state estimation. Despite the attractiveness of this method, its application in industrial settings has been rather limited. This has been mainly due to the difficulty to solve, in real-time, the associated dynamic optimization problems. In this work, a fast MHE algorithm able to overcome this … Read more

An interior point algorithm for nonlinear minimax problems

We present a primal-dual interior point method for constrained nonlinear, discrete minimax problems where the objective functions and constraints are not necessarily convex. The algorithm uses two merit functions to ensure progress towards the points satisfying the first order optimality conditions of the original problem. Convergence properties are described and numerical results provided. Citation Dept. … Read more

Identifying Activity

Identification of active constraints in constrained optimization is of interest from both practical and theoretical viewpoints, as it holds the promise of reducing an inequality-constrained problem to an equality-constrained problem, in a neighborhood of a solution. We study this issue in the more general setting of composite nonsmooth minimization, in which the objective is a … Read more