New Results on Quadratic Minimization

In this paper we present several new results on minimizing an indefinite quadratic function under quadratic/linear constraints. The emphasis is placed on the case where the constraints are two quadratic inequalities. This formulation is known as {\em the extended trust region subproblem}\/ and the computational complexity of this problem is still unknown. We consider several … Read more

Numerical methods for large-scale non-convex quadratic programming

We consider numerical methods for finding (weak) second-order critical points for large-scale non-convex quadratic programming problems. We describe two new methods. The first is of the active-set variety. Although convergent from any starting point, it is intended primarily for the case where a good estimate of the optimal active set can be predicted. The second … Read more

A Quadratic Programming Bibliography

The following is a list of all of the published and unpublished works on quadratic programming that we are aware of. Some are general references to background material, while others are central to the development of the quadratic programming methods and to the applications we intend to cover in our evolving book on the subject. … Read more

On reduced QP formulations of monotone LCP problems

Techniques for transforming convex quadratic programs (QPs) into monotone linear complementarity problems (LCPs) and vice versa are well known. We describe a class of LCPs for which a reduced QP formulation—one that has fewer constraints than the “standard” QP formulation—is available. We mention several instances of this class, including the known case in which the … Read more