Optimal switching sequence for switched linear systems

We study the following optimization problem over a dynamical system that consists of several linear subsystems: Given a finite set of n-by-n matrices and an n-dimensional vector, find a sequence of K matrices, each chosen from the given set of matrices, to maximize a convex function over the product of the K matrices and the … Read more

Monitoring With Limited Information

We consider a system with an evolving state that can be stopped at any time by a decision maker (DM), yielding a state-dependent reward. The DM does not observe the state except for a limited number of monitoring times, which he must choose, in conjunction with a suitable stopping policy, to maximize his reward. Dealing … Read more

Exact converging bounds for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming via Fenchel duality

The Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) algorithm has become one of the main tools to address convex multistage stochastic optimal control problem. Recently a large amount of work has been devoted to improve the convergence speed of the algorithm through cut-selection and regularization, or to extend the field of applications to non-linear, integer or risk-averse … Read more

An algorithm for solving infinite horizon Markov dynamic programmes

We consider a general class of infinite horizon dynamic programmes where state and control sets are convex and compact subsets of Euclidean spaces and (convex) costs are discounted geometrically. The aim of this work is to provide a convergence result for these problems under as few restrictions as possible. Under certain assumptions on the cost … Read more

Outer Approximation for Integer Nonlinear Programs via Decision Diagrams

As an alternative to traditional integer programming (IP), decision diagrams (DDs) provide a new solution technology for discrete problems based on their combinatorial structure and dynamic programming representation. While the literature mainly focuses on the competitive aspects of DDs as a stand-alone solver, we investigate their complementary role by studying IP techniques that can be … Read more

Network Models for Multiobjective Discrete Optimization

This paper provides a novel framework for solving multiobjective discrete optimization problems with an arbitrary number of objectives. Our framework formulates these problems as network models, in that enumerating the Pareto frontier amounts to solving a multicriteria shortest path problem in an auxiliary network. We design tools and techniques for exploiting the network model in … Read more

A deterministic algorithm for solving stochastic minimax dynamic programmes

In this paper, we present an algorithm for solving stochastic minimax dynamic programmes where state and action sets are convex and compact. A feature of the formulations studied is the simultaneous non-rectangularity of both `min’ and `max’ feasibility sets. We begin by presenting convex programming upper and lower bound representations of saddle functions — extending … Read more

Network-based Approximate Linear Programming for Discrete Optimization

We develop a new class of approximate linear programs (ALPs) that project the high-dimensional value function of dynamic programs onto a class of basis functions, each defined as a network that represents aggregrations over the state space. The resulting ALP is a minimum-cost flow problem over an extended variable space that synchronizes flows across multiple … Read more

Approximations to Stochastic Dynamic Programs via Information Relaxation Duality

In the analysis of complex stochastic dynamic programs, we often seek strong theoretical guarantees on the suboptimality of heuristic policies. One technique for obtaining performance bounds is perfect information analysis: this approach provides bounds on the performance of an optimal policy by considering a decision maker who has access to the outcomes of all future … Read more

Generalized Dual Dynamic Programming for Infinite Horizon Problems in Continuous State and Action Spaces

We describe a nonlinear generalization of dual dynamic programming theory and its application to value function estimation for deterministic control problems over continuous state and action (or input) spaces, in a discrete-time infinite horizon setting. We prove that the result of a one-stage policy evaluation can be used to produce nonlinear lower bounds on the … Read more