Computation of Stochastic Nash Equilibrium via Variable Sample Distributed Methods

In this paper, we propose a variable sample distributed algorithm for the computation of stochastic Nash equilibrium in which the objective functions are replaced, at each iteration, by sample average approximations. We investigate the contraction mapping properties of the variable sample distributed algorithm and show that the accuracy of estimators yielded in the algorithms to … Read more

Efficient upper and lower bounds for global mixed-integer optimal control

We present a control problem for an electrical vehicle. Its motor can be operated in two discrete modes, leading either to acceleration and energy consumption, or to a recharging of the battery. Mathematically, this leads to a mixed-integer optimal control problem (MIOCP) with a discrete feasible set for the controls taking into account the electrical … Read more

Variational analysis in psychological modeling

This paper develops some mathematical models arising in psychology and some other areas of behavioral sciences that are formalized via general preferences with variable ordering structures. Our considerations are based on the recent “variational rationality approach” that unifies numerous theories in different branches of behavioral sciences by using, in particular, worthwhile change and stay dynamics … Read more

Singularly Perturbed Markov Decision Processes: A Multiresolution Algorithm

Singular perturbation techniques allow the derivation of an aggregate model whose solution is asymptotically optimal for Markov Decision Processes with strong and weak interactions. We develop an algorithm that takes advantage of the asymptotic optimality of the aggregate model in order to compute the solution of the original model with theoretically better complexity than conventional … Read more

Dynamic Cost Allocation for Economic Lot Sizing Games

We consider a cooperative game defined by an economic lot sizing problem with concave ordering costs over a finite time horizon, in which each player faces demand for a single product in each period and coalitions can pool orders. We show how to compute a dynamic cost allocation in the strong sequential core of this … Read more

Finding Diverse Solutions of High Quality to Binary Integer Programs

Typical output from an optimization solver is a single optimal solution. At the same time, a set of high-quality and diverse solutions could be beneficial in a variety of contexts, for example problems involving imperfect information, or those for which the structure of high-quality solution vectors can reveal meaningful insights. In view of this, we … Read more

Robust Data-Driven Dynamic Programming

In stochastic optimal control the distribution of the exogenous noise is typically unknown and must be inferred from limited data before dynamic programming (DP)-based solution schemes can be applied. If the conditional expectations in the DP recursions are estimated via kernel regression, however, the historical sample paths enter the solution procedure directly as they determine … Read more

Bin Packing and Related Problems: General Arc-flow Formulation with Graph Compression

We present an exact method, based on an arc-flow formulation with side constraints, for solving bin packing and cutting stock problems — including multi-constraint variants — by simply representing all the patterns in a very compact graph. Our method includes a graph compression algorithm that usually reduces the size of the underlying graph substantially without … Read more

Information Relaxations, Duality, and Convex Dynamic Programs

We consider the information relaxation approach for calculating performance bounds for stochastic dynamic programs (DPs), following Brown, Smith, and Sun (2010). This approach generates performance bounds by solving problems with relaxed nonanticipativity constraints and a penalty that punishes violations of these nonanticipativity constraints. In this paper, we study DPs that have a convex structure and … Read more

Exact Algorithms for Arc and Node Routing Problems

Routing problems stand among the hardest combinatorial problems to find high quality bounds or to prove new optimal solutions. In this thesis, we tackle the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) and the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP). For both problems, there are a set of customers spread over a given graph, where each customer has … Read more