On a class of stochastic programs with exponentially many scenarios

We consider a class of stochastic programs whose uncertain data has an exponential number of possible outcomes, where scenarios are affinely parametrized by the vertices of a tractable binary polytope. Under these conditions, we propose a novel formulation that introduces a modest number of additional variables and a class of inequalities that can be efficiently … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization under Distorted Expectations

Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) has arose as an important paradigm to address the issue of distributional ambiguity in decision optimization. In its standard form, DRO seeks an optimal solution against the worst-possible expected value evaluated based on a set of candidate distributions. In the case where a decision maker is not risk neutral, the most … Read more

Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Right-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity

We consider exact deterministic mixed-integer programming (MIP) reformulations of distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DR-CCP) with random right-hand sides over Wasserstein ambiguity sets. The existing MIP formulations are known to have weak continuous relaxation bounds, and, consequently, for hard instances with small radius, or with a large number of scenarios, the branch-and-bound based solution processes suffer … Read more

Chi-Optimization – Novel Approach for Optimization under Uncertainty with Application on Forecast- and Decision Problems

We propose a novel approach for optimization and decision problems under uncertainty. We first describe it for stochastic optimization under distributional ambiguity with and without data for the random parameter. Distributional ambiguity means that an entire family $P$ of distributions is considered instead of a single one. For our approach, which avoids non-verifiable assumptions and … Read more

Optimal Power Flow in Distribution Networks under N-1 Disruptions: A Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Approach

Contingency research to find optimal operations and post-contingency recovery plans in distribution networks has gained a major attention in recent years. To this end, we consider a multi-period optimal power flow (OPF) problem in distribution networks, subject to the N-1 contingency where a line or distributed energy resource fails. The contingency can be modeled as … Read more

Practical Risk Modeling for the Stochastic Technician Routing and Scheduling Problem

Planning for uncertainty is crucial for finding good, stable solutions. However, it is often impractical to incorporate stochastic elements into a large production system. Our paper tackles this issue in the context of the Technician Routing and Scheduling Problem (TRSP). We develop a set of techniques, based on phase-type distributions, to quickly and accurately evaluate … Read more

Distribution-free Algorithms for Learning Enabled Optimization with Non-parametric Estimation

This paper studies a fusion of concepts from stochastic optimization and non-parametric statistical learning, in which data is available in the form of covariates interpreted as predictors and responses. Such models are designed to impart greater agility, allowing decisions under uncertainty to adapt to the knowledge of the predictors (leading indicators). Specialized algorithms can be … Read more

Distributionally Robust Bottleneck Combinatorial Problems: Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Decision Making

In a bottleneck combinatorial problem, the objective is to minimize the highest cost of elements of a subset selected from the combinatorial solution space. This paper studies data-driven distributionally robust bottleneck combinatorial problems (DRBCP) with stochastic costs, where the probability distribution of the cost vector is contained in a ball of distributions centered at the … Read more

Multistage Distributionally Robust Mixed-Integer Programming with Decision-Dependent Moment-Based Ambiguity Sets

We study multistage distributionally robust mixed-integer programs under endogenous uncertainty, where the probability distribution of stage-wise uncertainty depends on the decisions made in previous stages. We first consider two ambiguity sets defined by decision-dependent bounds on the first and second moments of uncertain parameters and by mean and covariance matrix that exactly match decision-dependent empirical … Read more

Zero Order Stochastic Weakly Convex Composite Optimization

In this paper we consider stochastic weakly convex composite problems, however without the existence of a stochastic subgradient oracle. We present a derivative free algorithm that uses a two point approximation for computing a gradient estimate of the smoothed function. We prove convergence at a similar rate as state of the art methods, however with … Read more