Empirical Risk Minimization: Probabilistic Complexity and Stepsize Strategy

Empirical risk minimization (ERM) is recognized as a special form in standard convex optimization. When using a first order method, the Lipschitz constant of the empirical risk plays a crucial role in the convergence analysis and stepsize strategies for these problems. We derive the probabilistic bounds for such Lipschitz constants using random matrix theory. We … Read more

Multilevel Optimization Methods: Convergence and Problem Structure

Building upon multigrid methods, the framework of multilevel optimization methods was developed to solve structured optimization problems, including problems in optimal control, image processing, etc. In this paper, we give a broader view of the multilevel framework and establish some connections between multilevel algorithms and the other approaches. An interesting case of the so called … Read more

A Primal-Dual Homotopy Algorithm for l_1-Minimization with l_inf-Constraints

In this paper we propose a primal-dual homotopy method for $\ell_1$-minimization problems with infinity norm constraints in the context of sparse reconstruction. The natural homotopy parameter is the value of the bound for the constraints and we show that there exists a piecewise linear solution path with finitely many break points for the primal problem … Read more

Generalized Symmetric ADMM for Separable Convex Optimization

The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has been proved to be effective for solving separable convex optimization subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Symmetric ADMM (GS-ADMM), which updates the Lagrange multiplier twice with suitable stepsizes, to solve the multi-block separable convex programming. This GS-ADMM partitions the data into two … Read more

Lattice closures of polyhedra

Given $P\subset\R^n$, a mixed-integer set $P^I=P\cap (\Z^{t}\times\R^{n-t}$), and a $k$-tuple of $n$-dimensional integral vectors $(\pi_1, \ldots, \pi_k)$ where the last $n-t$ entries of each vector is zero, we consider the relaxation of $P^I$ obtained by taking the convex hull of points $x$ in $P$ for which $ \pi_1^Tx,\ldots,\pi^T_kx$ are integral. We then define the $k$-dimensional … Read more

A Complete Characterization of Disjunctive Conic Cuts for Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Optimization

We study the convex hull of the intersection of a disjunctive set defined by parallel hyperplanes and the feasible set of a mixed integer second order cone optimization problem. We extend our prior work on disjunctive conic cuts, which has thus far been restricted to the case in which the intersection of the hyperplanes and … Read more

An exact approach for the 0–1 Knapsack Problem with Setups

We consider the 0–1 Knapsack Problem with Setups. We propose an exact approach which handles the structure of the ILP formulation of the problem. It relies on partitioning the variables set into two levels and exploiting this partitioning. The proposed approach favorably compares to the algorithms in literature and to solver CPLEX 12.5 applied to … Read more

A proximal-Newton method for unconstrained convex optimization in Hilbert spaces

We propose and study the iteration-complexity of a proximal-Newton method for finding approximate solutions of the problem of minimizing a twice continuously differentiable convex function on a (possibly infinite dimensional) Hilbert space. We prove global convergence rates for obtaining approximate solutions in terms of function/gradient values. Our main results follow from an iteration-complexity study of … Read more

An Inexact Spingarn’s Partial Inverse Method with Applications to Operator Splitting and Composite Optimization

We propose and study the iteration-complexity of an inexact version of the Spingarn’s partial inverse method. Its complexity analysis is performed by viewing it in the framework of the hybrid proximal extragradient (HPE) method, for which pointwise and ergodic iteration-complexity has been established recently by Monteiro and Svaiter. As applications, we propose and analyze the … Read more