Alternating proximal algorithms for constrained variational inequalities. Application to domain decomposition for PDE’s

Let $\cX,\cY,\cZ$ be real Hilbert spaces, let $f : \cX \rightarrow \R\cup\{+\infty\}$, $g : \cY \rightarrow \R\cup\{+\infty\}$ be closed convex functions and let $A : \cX \rightarrow \cZ$, $B : \cY \rightarrow \cZ$ be linear continuous operators. Let us consider the constrained minimization problem $$ \min\{f(x)+g(y):\quad Ax=By\}.\leqno (\cP)$$ Given a sequence $(\gamma_n)$ which tends toward … Read more

Proximal alternating direction-based contraction methods for separable linearly constrained convex optimization

Alternating direction method (ADM) has been well studied in the context of linearly constrained convex programming problems. Recently, because of its significant efficiency and easy implementation in novel applications, ADM is extended to the case where the number of separable parts is a finite number. The algorithmic framework of the extended method consists of two … Read more

Solving A Low-Rank Factorization Model for Matrix Completion by A Nonlinear Successive Over-Relaxation Algorithm

The matrix completion problem is to recover a low-rank matrix from a subset of its entries. The main solution strategy for this problem has been based on nuclear-norm minimization which requires computing singular value decompositions — a task that is increasingly costly as matrix sizes and ranks increase. To improve the capacity of solving large-scale … Read more

Linearized augmented Lagrangian and alternating direction methods for nuclear norm minimization

The nuclear norm is widely used to induce low-rank solutions for many optimization problems with matrix variables. Recently, it has been shown that the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) and the alternating direction method (ADM) are very efficient for many convex programming problems arising from various applications, provided that the resulting subproblems are sufficiently simple to … Read more

A Fast Algorithm for Total Variation Image Reconstruction from Random Projections

Total variation (TV) regularization is popular in image restoration and reconstruction due to its ability to preserve image edges. To date, most research activities on TV models concentrate on image restoration from blurry and noisy observations, while discussions on image reconstruction from random projections are relatively fewer. In this paper, we propose, analyze, and test … Read more

Recovering low-rank and sparse components of matrices from incomplete and noisy observations

Many applications arising in a variety of fields can be well illustrated by the task of recovering the low-rank and sparse components of a given matrix. Recently, it is discovered that this NP-hard task can be well accomplished, both theoretically and numerically, via heuristically solving a convex relaxation problem where the widely-acknowledged nuclear norm and … Read more

Fast Alternating Linearization Methods for Minimizing the Sum of Two Convex Functions

We present in this paper first-order alternating linearization algorithms based on an alternating direction augmented Lagrangian approach for minimizing the sum of two convex functions. Our basic methods require at most $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations to obtain an $\epsilon$-optimal solution, while our accelerated (i.e., fast) versions of them require at most $O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon})$ iterations, with little change in … Read more

Fast Multiple Splitting Algorithms for Convex Optimization

We present in this paper two different classes of general $K$-splitting algorithms for solving finite-dimensional convex optimization problems. Under the assumption that the function being minimized has a Lipschitz continuous gradient, we prove that the number of iterations needed by the first class of algorithms to obtain an $\epsilon$-optimal solution is $O(1/\epsilon)$. The algorithms in … Read more

Alternating Direction Algorithms for $\ell_1hBcProblems in Compressive Sensing

In this paper, we propose and study the use of alternating direction algorithms for several $\ell_1$-norm minimization problems arising from sparse solution recovery in compressive sensing, including the basis pursuit problem, the basis-pursuit denoising problems of both unconstrained and constrained forms, as well as others. We present and investigate two classes of algorithms derived from … Read more

Alternating directions based contraction method for generally separable linearly constrained convex programming problems

The classical alternating direction method (ADM) has been well studied in the context of linearly constrained convex programming problems and variational inequalities where both the involved operators and constraints are separable into two parts. In particular, recentness has witnessed a number of novel applications arising in diversified areas (e.g. Image Processing and Statistics), for which … Read more