Branch and cut algorithms for detecting critical nodes in undirected graphs

In this paper we deal with the critical node problem, where a given number of nodes has to be removed from an undirected graph in order to maximize the disconnections between the node pairs of the graph. We propose an integer linear programming model with a non-polynomial number of constraints but whose linear relaxation can … Read more

A Polyhedral Study of the Semi-Continuous Knapsack Problem

We study the convex hull of the feasible set of the semi-continuous knapsack problem, in which the variables belong to the union of two intervals. Besides being important in its own right, the semi-continuous knapsack problem arises in a number of other contexts, e.g. it is a relaxation of general mixed-integer programming. We show how … Read more

Branch-and-Cut for Separable Piecewise Linear Optimization: New Inequalities and Intersection with Semi-Continuous Constraints

We give new facets and valid inequalities for the separable piecewise linear optimization knapsack polytope. We also extend the inequalities to the case in which some of the variables are semi-continuous. In a companion paper (de Farias, Gupta, Kozyreff, Zhao, 2011) we demonstrate the efficiency of the inequalities when used as cuts in a branch-and-cut … Read more

Branch-and-Cut for Separable Piecewise Linear Optimization: Computation

We report and analyze the results of our extensive computational testing of branch-and-cut for piecewise linear optimization using the cutting planes given recently by Zhao and de Farias. Besides analysis of the performance of the cuts, we also analyze the effect of formulation on the performance of branch-and-cut. Finally, we report and analyze initial results … Read more

An exact approach to the problem of extracting an embedded network matrix

We study the problem of detecting a maximum embedded network submatrix in a {-1,0,+1}-matrix. Our aim is to solve the problem to optimality. We introduce a 0-1 integer linear formulation for this problem based on its representation over a signed graph. A polyhedral study is presented and a branch-and-cut algorithm is described for finding an … Read more

Experiments with Branching using General Disjunctions

Branching is an important component of the branch-and-cut algorithm for solving mixed integer linear programs. Most solvers branch by imposing a disjunction of the form“$x_i \leq k \vee x_i \geq k+1$” for some integer $k$ and some integer-constrained variable $x_i$. A generalization of this branching scheme is to branch by imposing a more general disjunction … Read more

A Branch-and-cut Algorithm for Integer Bilevel Linear Programs

We describe a rudimentary branch-and-cut algorithm for solving integer bilevel linear programs that extends existing techniques for standard integer linear programs to this very challenging computational setting. The algorithm improves on the branch-and-bound algorithm of Moore and Bard in that it uses cutting plane techniques to produce improved bounds, does not require specialized branching strategies, … Read more

Exact and heuristic solutions of the global supply chain problem with transfer pricing

We examine the example of a multinational corporation that attempts to maximize its global after tax profits by determining the flow of goods, the transfer prices, and the transportation cost allocation between each of its subsidiaries. Vidal and Goetschalckx (2001) proposed a bilinear model of this problem and solved it by an Alternate heuristic. We … Read more

A Hybrid Relax-and-Cut/Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

A new exact solution algorithm is proposed for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. The algorithm involves two combined phases. The first one contains a Lagrangian Relax-and-Cut procedure while the second implements a Branch-and-Cut algorithm. Both phases rely on a standard formulation for the problem, reinforced with Blossom Inequalities. An important feature of the proposed … Read more

An exact algorithm for solving the ring star problem

This paper deals with the ring star problem that consists in designing a ring that pass through a central depot, and then assigning each non visited customer to a node of the ring. The objective is to minimize the total routing and assignment costs. A new chain based formulation is proposed. Valid inequalities are proposed … Read more