Adaptive Constraint Reduction for Training Support Vector Machines

A support vector machine (SVM) determines whether a given observed pattern lies in a particular class. The decision is based on prior training of the SVM on a set of patterns with known classification, and training is achieved by solving a convex quadratic programming problem. Since there are typically a large number of training patterns, … Read more

Combining segment generation with direct step-and-shoot optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy

A method for generating a sequence of intensity-modulated radiation therapy step-and-shoot plans with increasing number of segments is presented. The objectives are to generate high-quality plans with few, large and regular segments, and to make the planning process more intuitive. The proposed method combines segment generation with direct step-and-shoot optimization, where leaf positions and segment … Read more

Selective Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization for conic cutting surface algorithms

It is not straightforward to find a new feasible solution when several conic constraints are added to a conic optimization problem. Examples of conic constraints include semidefinite constraints and second order cone constraints. In this paper, a method to slightly modify the constraints is proposed. Because of this modification, a simple procedure to generate strictly … Read more

Robust Branch-Cut-and-Price for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem over a Large Extended Formulation

This paper presents a robust branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (CMST). The variables are associated to $q$-arbs, a structure that arises from a relaxation of the capacitated prize-collecting arborescence probem in order to make it solvable in pseudo-polynomial time. Traditional inequalities over the arc formulation, like Capacity Cuts, are also used. … Read more

Detecting relevant variables and interactions for classification in Support Vector Machines

The widely used Support Vector Machine (SVM) method has shown to yield good results in Supervised Classification problems. The Binarized SVM (BSVM) is a variant which is able to automatically detect which variables are, by themselves, most relevant for the classifier. In this work, we extend the BSVM introduced by the authors to a method … Read more

A Column Generation Approach for Support Vector Machines

The widely used Support Vector Machine (SVM) method has shown to yield good results in Supervised Classification problems. Other methods such as Classification Trees have become more popular among practitioners than SVM thanks to their interpretability, which is an important issue in Data Mining. In this work, we propose an SVM-based method that automatically detects … Read more

Constraint Reduction for Linear Programs with Many Inequality Constraints

Consider solving a linear program in standard form, where the constraint matrix $A$ is $m \times n$, with $n \gg m \gg 1$. Such problems arise, for example, as the result of finely discretizing a semi-infinite program. The cost per iteration of typical primal-dual interior-point methods on such problems is $O(m^2n)$. We propose to reduce … Read more

In Situ Column Generation for a Cutting-Stock Problem

Working with an integer bilinear programming formulation of a one-dimensional cutting-stock problem, we develop an ILP-based local-search heuristic. The ILPs holistically integrate the master and subproblem of the usual price driven pattern-generation paradigm, resulting in a unified model that generates new patterns in situ. We work harder to generate new columns, but we are guaranteed … Read more

Linear Programming Lower Bounds for Minimum Converter Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks

In this paper, we study the conflict-free assignment of wavelengths to lightpaths in an optical network with the opportunity to place wavelength converters. To benchmark heuristics for the problem, we develop integer programming formulations and study their properties. Moreover, we study the computational performance of the column generation algorithm for solving the linear relaxation of … Read more

Decomposition in Integer Programming

Both cutting plane methods and traditional decomposition methods are procedures that compute a bound on the optimal value of an integer linear program (ILP) by constructing an approximation to the convex hull of feasible solutions. This approximation is obtained by intersecting the polyhedron associated with the continuous relaxation, which has an explicit representation, with an … Read more