On Polytopes with Linear Rank with respect to Generalizations of the Split Closure

In this paper we study the rank of polytopes contained in the 0-1 cube with respect to $t$-branch split cuts and $t$-dimensional lattice cuts for a fixed positive integer $t$. These inequalities are the same as split cuts when $t=1$ and generalize split cuts when $t > 1$. For polytopes contained in the $n$-dimensional 0-1 … Read more

Incorporating Holding Costs in Continuous-TimeService Network Design: New Model, Relaxation, and Exact Algorithm

The continuous-time service network design problem (CTSNDP) occurs widely in practice. It aims to minimize the total operational cost by optimizing the schedules of transportation services and the routes of shipments for dispatching, which can occur at any time point along a continuous planning horizon. In order to be cost effective, shipments often wait to … Read more

On the generation of Metric TSP instances with a large integrality gap by branch-and-cut.

This paper introduces a computational method for generating metric Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) instances having a large integrality gap. The method is based on the solution of an NP-hard problem, called IH-OPT, that takes in input a fractional solution of the Subtour Elimination Problem (SEP) on a TSP instance and compute a TSP instance having … Read more

Integer Optimization Model and Algorithm for the Stem Cell Culturing Problem

In this paper, we present a novel scheduling problem, the stem cell culturing problem (SCP), which is identified in an attempt to improve the productivity of a manufacturing system producing a commercialized autologous stem cell therapeutic product for treating an incurable disease. For a given therapeutic product along with the corresponding manufacturing process, which is … Read more

A decomposition approach for integrated locomotive scheduling and driver rostering in rail freight transport

In this work, we consider the integrated problem of locomotive scheduling and driver rostering in rail freight companies. Our aim is to compute an optimal simultaneous assignment of locomotives and drivers to the trains listed in a given order book. Mathematically, this leads to the combination of a set-packing problem with compatibility constraints and a … Read more

On fault-tolerant low-diameter clusters in graphs

Cliques and their generalizations are frequently used to model “tightly knit” clusters in graphs and identifying such clusters is a popular technique used in graph-based data mining. One such model is the $s$-club, which is a vertex subset that induces a subgraph of diameter at most $s$. This model has found use in a variety … Read more

Interdicting Low-Diameter Cohesive Subgroups in Large-Scale Social Networks

The s-clubs model cohesive social subgroups as vertex subsets that induce subgraphs of diameter at most s. In defender-attacker settings, for low values of s, they can represent tightly-knit communities whose operation is undesirable for the defender. For instance, in online social networks, large communities of malicious accounts can effectively propagate undesirable rumors. In this … Read more

Solving Graph Partitioning on Sparse Graphs: Cuts, Projections, and Extended Formulations

This paper explores new solution approaches for the graph partitioning problem. While the classic formulations for graph partitioning are compact, they either suffer from a poor relaxation, symmetry, or contain a cubic number of constraints regardless of the graph density. These shortcomings often result in poor branch-and-bound performance. We approach this problem from perspective of … Read more

A Reformulation Technique to Solve Polynomial Optimization Problems with Separable Objective Functions of Bounded Integer Variables

Real-world problems are often nonconvex and involve integer variables, representing vexing challenges to be tackled using state-of-the-art solvers. We introduce a mathematical identity-based reformulation of a class of polynomial integer nonlinear optimization (PINLO) problems using a technique that linearizes polynomial functions of separable and bounded integer variables of any degree. We also introduce an alternative … Read more

On the exactness of the eps-constraint method for bi-objective integer nonlinear programming

The eps-constraint method is a well-known scalarization technique used for multiobjective optimization. We explore how to properly define the step size parameter of the method in order to guarantee its exactness when dealing with problems having two nonlinear objective functions and integrality constraints on the variables. Under specific assumptions, we prove that the number of … Read more