Generating feasible points for mixed-integer convex optimization problems by inner parallel cuts

In this article we introduce an inner parallel cutting plane method (IPCP) to compute good feasible points along with valid cutting planes for mixed-integer convex optimization problems. The method iteratively generates polyhedral outer approximations of an enlarged inner parallel set (EIPS) of the continuously relaxed feasible set. This EIPS possesses the crucial property that any … Read more

Submodularity and valid inequalities in nonlinear optimization with indicator variables

We propose a new class of valid inequalities for mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems with indicator variables. The inequalities are obtained by lifting polymatroid inequalities in the space of the 0–1 variables into conic inequalities in the original space of variables. The proposed inequalities are shown to describe the convex hull of the set under study … Read more

Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural networks

We present strong mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulations for high-dimensional piecewise linear functions that correspond to trained neural networks. These formulations can be used for a number of important tasks, such as verifying that an image classification network is robust to adversarial inputs, or solving decision problems where the objective function is a machine learning model. … Read more

Strong Mixed-Integer Formulations for Power System Islanding and Restoration

The Intentional Controlled Islanding (ICI) and the Black Start Allocation (BSA) are two examples of problems in the power systems literature that have been formulated as Mixed Integer Programs (MIPs). A key consideration in both of these problems is that each island must have at least one energized generator. In this paper, we provide three … Read more

Enhancing large neighbourhood search heuristics for Benders’ decomposition

A general enhancement of the Benders’ decomposition (BD) algorithm can be achieved through the improved use of large neighbourhood search heuristics within mixed-integer programming solvers. While mixed-integer programming solvers are endowed with an array of large neighbourhood search heuristics, few, if any, have been designed for BD. Further, typically the use of large neighbourhood search … Read more

An Online-Learning Approach to Inverse Optimization

In this paper, we demonstrate how to learn the objective function of a decision-maker while only observing the problem input data and the decision-maker’s corresponding decisions over multiple rounds. Our approach is based on online learning and works for linear objectives over arbitrary feasible sets for which we have a linear optimization oracle. As such, … Read more

Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution under Cardinality-constrained Uncertainty Set

This work studies a Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution (R-MNMS), where the demand and the substitution rates are stochastic and are subject to cardinality-constrained uncertainty sets. The goal of this work is to determine the optimal order quantities of multiple products to maximize the worst-case total profit. To achieve this, we first show that … Read more

Data-Driven Maintenance and Operations Scheduling in Power Systems under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty

Generator maintenance scheduling plays a pivotal role in ensuring uncompromising operations of power systems. There exists a tight coupling between the condition of the generators and corresponding operational schedules, significantly affecting reliability of the system. In this study, we effectively model and solve an integrated condition-based maintenance and operations scheduling problem for a fleet of … Read more

Learning a Mixture of Gaussians via Mixed Integer Optimization

We consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a multivariate Gaussian mixture model (GMM) given access to $n$ samples $\x_1,\x_2,\ldots ,\x_n \in\mathbb{R}^d$ that are believed to have come from a mixture of multiple subpopulations. State-of-the-art algorithms used to recover these parameters use heuristics to either maximize the log-likelihood of the sample or try to … Read more