Optimal location of intermodal freight hubs

Attempts at reducing the externalities of freight transport in Europe are generally focused on the incorporation of a more significant use of rail into freight itineraries. One new scenario for increasing the share of rail in intermodal transport involves the development of a dedicated subnetwork of freight rail lines. Within this European Union project, the … Read more

Generating Convex Polynomial Inequalities for Mixed 0-1 Programs

We develop a method for generating valid convex polynomial inequalities for mixed 0-1 convex programs. We also show how these inequalities can be generated in the linear case by defining cut generation problems using a projection cone. The basic results for quadratic inequalities are extended to generate convex polynomial inequalities. Article Download View Generating Convex … Read more

A Family of Facets for the p-Median Polytope

We present a nontrivial family of facet-defining inequalities for the p-median polytope. We incorporate the inequalities in a branch-and-cut scheme, and we report computational results that demonstrate their effectiveness. Citation Department of Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, submitted Article Download View A Family of Facets for the p-Median Polytope

Facets of the Complementarity Knapsack Polytope

We present a polyhedral study of the complementarity knapsack problem, in which no auxiliary binary variables are introduced, but rather the inequalities are derived in the space of the continuous variables. Citation School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, GA Tech, under review Article Download View Facets of the Complementarity Knapsack Polytope

On the Value of Binary Expansions For General Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

We study the use of binary variables in reformulating general mixed-integer linear programs. We show that binary reformulations result in problems for which almost all the binary variables replacing a general integer variable need to be explored during branching. We also give computational results on the performance of such reformulations in solving the mixed-integer programs, … Read more