A Stochastic Programming Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Network Design

Advantages of electric vehicles (EV) include reduction of greenhouse gas and other emissions, energy security, and fuel economy. The societal benefits of large-scale adoption of EVs cannot be realized without adequate deployment of publicly accessible charging stations. We propose a two-stage stochastic programming model to determine the optimal network of charging stations for a community … Read more

Statistical inference and hypotheses testing of risk averse stochastic programs

We study statistical properties of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the Sample Average Approximation of risk averse stochastic problems. Central Limit Theorem type results are derived for the optimal value when the stochastic program is expressed in terms of a law invariant coherent risk measure having a discrete Kusuoka representation. The obtained results … Read more

A Sequential Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Chance Constraints

An algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear optimization problems with chance constraints, i.e., those in which a constraint involving an uncertain parameter must be satisfied with at least a minimum probability. In particular, the algorithm is designed to solve cardinality-constrained nonlinear optimization problems that arise in sample average approximations of chance-constrained problems, as well as … Read more

Statistical inference and hypotheses testing of risk averse stochastic programs

We study statistical properties of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the Sample Average Approximation of risk averse stochastic problems. Central Limit Theorem type results are derived for the optimal value and optimal solutions when the stochastic program is expressed in terms of a law invariant coherent risk measure. The obtained results are applied … Read more

An empirical analysis of scenario generation methods for stochastic optimization

This work presents an empirical analysis of popular scenario generation methods for stochastic optimization, including quasi-Monte Carlo, moment matching, and methods based on probability metrics, as well as a new method referred to as Voronoi cell sampling. Solution quality is assessed by measuring the error that arises from using scenarios to solve a multi-dimensional newsvendor … Read more

Distributionally Robust Stochastic Programming

In this paper we study distributionally robust stochastic programming in a setting where there is a specified reference probability measure and the uncertainty set of probability measures consists of measures in some sense close to the reference measure. We discuss law invariance of the associated worst case functional and consider two basic constructions of such … Read more

Spectral projected gradient method for stochastic optimization

We consider the Spectral Projected Gradient method for solving constrained optimization problems with the objective function in the form of mathematical expectation. It is assumed that the feasible set is convex, closed and easy to project on. The objective function is approximated by a sequence of Sample Average Approximation functions with different sample sizes. The … Read more

Uniform Convergence of Sample Average Approximation with Adaptive Importance Sampling

We study sample average approximations under adaptive importance sampling. Based on a Banach-space-valued martingale strong law of large numbers, we establish uniform convergence of the sample average approximation to the function being approximated. In the optimization context, we obtain convergence of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the sample average approximation. CitationTechnical Report IEMS … Read more

Provably Near-Optimal Approximation Schemes for Implicit Stochastic and for Sample-Based Dynamic Programs

In this paper we address two models of non-deterministic discrete-time finite-horizon dynamic programs (DPs): implicit stochastic DPs – the information about the random events is given by value oracles to their CDFs; and sample-based DPs – the information about the random events is deduced via samples. In both models the single period cost functions are … Read more

Symmetric confidence regions and confidence intervals for normal map formulations of stochastic variational inequalities

Stochastic variational inequalities (SVI) model a large class of equilibrium problems subject to data uncertainty, and are closely related to stochastic optimization problems. The SVI solution is usually estimated by a solution to a sample average approximation (SAA) problem. This paper considers the normal map formulation of an SVI, and proposes a method to build … Read more