On the generation of cutting planes which maximize the bound improvement

We propose the bound-optimal cutting plane method. It is a new paradigm for cutting plane generation in Mixed Integer Programming allowing for the simultaneous generation of k cuts which, when added to the current Linear Programming elaxation, yield the largest bound improvement. By Linear Programming duality arguments and standard linearization techniques we show that, for … Read more

Iteration-Complexity of a Generalized Forward Backward Splitting Algorithm

In this paper, we analyze the iteration-complexity of a generalized forward-backward (GFB) splitting algorithm, recently proposed in~\cite{gfb2011}, for minimizing the large class of composite objectives $f + \sum_{i=1}^n h_i$ on a Hilbert space, where $f$ has a Lipschitz-continuous gradient and the $h_i$’s are simple (i.e. whose proximity operator is easily computable ). We derive iteration-complexity … Read more

GLODS: Global and Local Optimization using Direct Search

Locating and identifying points as global minimizers is, in general, a hard and time-consuming task. Difficulties increase when the derivatives of the functions defining the problem are not available for use. In this work, we propose a new class of methods suited for global derivative-free constrained optimization. Using direct search of directional type, the algorithm … Read more

About [q]-regularity properties of collections of sets

We examine three primal space local Hoelder type regularity properties of finite collections of sets, namely, [q]-semiregularity, [q]-subregularity, and uniform [q]-regularity as well as their quantitative characterizations. Equivalent metric characterizations of the three mentioned regularity properties as well as a sufficient condition of [q]-subregularity in terms of Frechet normals are established. The relationships between [q]-regularity … Read more

Least-squares approach to risk parity in portfolio selection

The risk parity optimization problem aims to find such portfolios for which the contributions of risk from all assets are equally weighted. Portfolios constructed using risk parity approach are a compromise between two well-known diversification techniques: minimum variance optimization approach and the equal weighting approach. In this paper, we discuss the problem of finding portfolios … Read more

Bundle methods in the XXIst century: A bird’s-eye view

Bundle methods are often the algorithms of choice for nonsmooth convex optimization, especially if accuracy in the solution and reliability are a concern. We review several algorithms based on the bundle methodology that have been developed recently and that, unlike their forerunner variants, have the ability to provide exact solutions even if most of the … Read more

Quasi-Newton updates with weighted secant equations

We provide a formula for variational quasi-Newton updates with multiple weighted secant equations. The derivation of the formula leads to a Sylvester equation in the correction matrix. Examples are given. Citation Report naXys-09-2013, Namur Centre for Complex Systems, Unibersity of Namur, Namur (Belgium) Article Download View Quasi-Newton updates with weighted secant equations

Price of Anarchy for Non-atomic Congestion Games with Stochastic Demands

We generalize the notions of user equilibrium and system optimum to non-atomic congestion games with stochastic demands. We establish upper bounds on the price of anarchy for three different settings of link cost functions and demand distributions, namely, (a) affine cost functions and general distributions, (b) polynomial cost functions and general positive-valued distributions, and (c) … Read more

Computing a Cournot Equilibrium in Integers

We give an efficient algorithm for computing a Cournot equilibrium when the producers are confined to integers, the inverse demand function is linear, and costs are quadratic. The method also establishes existence, which follows in much more generality because the problem can be modelled as a potential game. Citation School of Operations Research and Information … Read more

An Active-Set Quadratic Programming Method Based On Sequential Hot-Starts

A new method for solving sequences of quadratic programs (QPs) is presented. For each new QP in the sequence, the method utilizes hot-starts that employ information computed by an active-set QP solver during the solution of the first QP. This avoids the computation and factorization of the full matrices for all but the first problem … Read more