Six mathematical gems from the history of Distance Geometry

This is a partial account of the fascinating history of Distance Geometry. We make no claim to completeness, but we do promise a dazzling display of beautiful, elementary mathematics. We prove Heron’s formula, Cauchy’s theorem on the rigidity of polyhedra, Cayley’s generalization of Heron’s formula to higher dimensions, Menger’s characterization of abstract semi-metric spaces, a … Read more

Exact solutions to Super Resolution on semi-algebraic domains in higher dimensions

We investigate the multi-dimensional Super Resolution problem on closed semi-algebraic domains for various sampling schemes such as Fourier or moments. We present a new semidefinite programming (SDP) formulation of the l1-minimization in the space of Radon measures in the multi-dimensional frame on semi-algebraic sets. While standard approaches have focused on SDP relaxations of the dual … Read more

The carbon leakage effect on the cement sector under different climate policies

The European emissions trading scheme (EU-ETS) is a cap and trade system that requires the indus- tries participating in the program to obtain allowances to cover their carbon emissions. Energy Intensive Industries claim that this system puts their European plants at an economics disadvantage compared to fa- cilities located outside the EU. As a direct … Read more

From Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics

In this paper, we combine ideas from machine learning (ML) and operations research and management science (OR/MS) in developing a framework, along with specific methods, for using data to prescribe optimal decisions in OR/MS problems. In a departure from other work on data-driven optimization and reflecting our practical experience with the data available in applications … Read more

On the Quadratic Shortest Path Problem

Finding the shortest path in a directed graph is one of the most important combinatorial optimization problems, having applications in a wide range of fields. In its basic version, however, the problem fails to represent situations in which the value of the objective function is determined not only by the choice of each single arc, … Read more

A Fast Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Non-convex Quadratic Integer Optimization Subject To Linear Constraints Using Ellipsoidal Relaxations

We propose two exact approaches for non-convex quadratic integer minimization subject to linear constraints where lower bounds are computed by considering ellipsoidal relaxations of the feasible set. In the first approach, we intersect the ellipsoids with the feasible linear subspace. In the second approach we penalize exactly the linear constraints. We investigate the connection between … Read more

An external penalty-type method for multicriteria

We propose an extension of the classical real-valued external penalty method to the multicriteria optimization setting. As its single objective counterpart, it also requires an external penalty function for the constraint set, as well as an exogenous divergent sequence of nonnegative real numbers, the so-called penalty parameters, but, differently from the scalar procedure, the vector-valued … Read more

A Polyhedral Study of Two-Period Relaxations for Big-Bucket Lot-Sizing Problems: Zero Setup Case

In this paper, we investigate the two-period subproblems proposed by Akartunal{\i} et al. (2014) for big-bucket lot-sizing problems, which have shown a great potential for obtaining strong bounds for these problems. In particular, we study the polyhedral structure of the mixed integer sets related to two relaxations of these subproblems for the special case of … Read more

Risk aversion in multistage stochastic programming: a modeling and algorithmic perspective

We discuss the incorporation of risk measures into multistage stochastic programs. While much attention has been recently devoted in the literature to this type of model, it appears that there is no consensus on the best way to accomplish that goal. In this paper, we discuss pros and cons of some of the existing approaches. … Read more

Lower bounding procedure for the Asymmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem

In this paper we consider the Asymmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. Given a directed graph and a function that maps every pair of consecutive arcs to a cost, the problem consists in finding a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once and such that the sum of the costs is minimum. We propose an extended … Read more