Improved lower bounds for the 2-page crossing numbers of K(m,n) and K(n) via semidefinite programming

The crossing number of a graph is the minimal number of edge crossings achievable in a drawing of the graph in the plane. The crossing numbers of complete and complete bipartite graphs are long standing open questions. In a 2-page drawing of a graph, all vertices are drawn on a circle, and no edge may … Read more

On semidefinite programming bounds for graph bandwidth

We propose two new lower bounds on graph bandwidth and cyclic bandwidth based on semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations of the quadratic assignment problem. We compare the new bounds with two other SDP bounds in [A. Blum, G. Konjevod, R. Ravi, and S. Vempala, Semi-definite relaxations for minimum bandwidth and other vertex-ordering problems, Theoretical Computer Science, … Read more

On the Lasserre hierarchy of semidefinite programming relaxations of convex polynomial optimization problems

The Lasserre hierarchy of semidefinite programming approximations to convex polynomial optimization problems is known to converge finitely under some assumptions. [J.B. Lasserre. Convexity in semialgebraic geometry and polynomial optimization. SIAM J. Optim. 19, 1995-2014, 2009.] We give a new proof of the finite convergence property, that does not require the assumption that the Hessian of … Read more

Relaxations of combinatorial problems via association schemes

In this chapter we study a class of semidefinite programming relaxations of combinatorial problems. These relaxations are derived using the theory of coherent configurations in algebraic combinatorics. CitationDraft version of a chapter for “Handbook on SDP II” (M. Anjos and J. Lasserre, eds.), Springer.ArticleDownload View PDF

On semidefinite programming relaxations of maximum k-section

We derive a new semidefinite programming bound for the maximum k-section problem. For k=2 (i.e. for maximum bisection), the new bound is least as strong as the well-known bound by Frieze and Jerrum [A. Frieze and M. Jerrum. Improved Approximation Algorithms for MAX k-CUT and MAX BISECTION. Algorithmica, 18(1): 67-81, 1997]. For k > 2 … Read more

Error bounds for some semidefinite programming approaches to polynomial minimization on the hypercube

We consider the problem of minimizing a polynomial on the hypercube [0,1]^n and derive new error bounds for the hierarchy of semidefinite programming approximations to this problem corresponding to the Positivstellensatz of Schmuedgen (1991). The main tool we employ is Bernstein approximations of polynomials, which also gives constructive proofs and degree bounds for positivity certificates … Read more

On the complexity of computing the handicap of a sufficient matrix

The class of sufficient matrices is important in the study of the linear complementarity problem(LCP) – some interior point methods (IPM’s) for LCP’s with sufficient data matrices have complexity polynomial in the bit size of the matrix and its handicap. In this paper we show that the handicap of a sufficient matrix may be exponential … Read more

Improved semidefinite programming bounds for quadratic assignment problems with suitable symmetry

Semidefinite programming (SDP) bounds for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) were introduced in: [Q. Zhao, S.E. Karisch, F. Rendl, and H. Wolkowicz. Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2,71–109, 1998.] Empirically, these bounds are often quite good in practice, but computationally demanding, even for relatively small instances. For QAP … Read more

A Comparison of Lower Bounds for the Symmetric Circulant Traveling Salesman Problem

When the matrix of distances between cities is symmetric and circulant, the traveling salesman problem (TSP) reduces to the so-called symmetric circulant traveling salesman problem (SCTSP), that has applications in the design of reconfigurable networks, and in minimizing wallpaper waste. The complexity of the SCTSP is open, but conjectured to be NP-hard, and we compare … Read more

Numerical block diagonalization of matrix hBcalgebras with application to semidefinite programming

Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of the most active areas in mathematical programming, due to varied applications and the availability of interior point algorithms. In this paper we propose a new pre-processing technique for SDP instances that exhibit algebraic symmetry. We present computational results to show that the solution times of certain SDP instances may … Read more