On the strength of Burer’s lifted convex relaxation to quadratic programming with ball constraints

We study quadratic programs with m ball constraints, and the strength of a lifted convex relaxation for it recently proposed by Burer (2024). Burer shows this relaxation is exact when m=2. For general m, Burer (2024) provides numerical evidence that this lifted relaxation is tighter than the Kronecker product based Reformulation Linearization Technique (RLT) inequalities … Read more

Accelerated first-order methods for a class of semidefinite programs

This paper introduces a new storage-optimal first-order method (FOM), CertSDP, for solving a special class of semidefinite programs (SDPs) to high accuracy. The class of SDPs that we consider, the exact QMP-like SDPs , is characterized by low-rank solutions, a priori knowledge of the restriction of the SDP solution to a small subspace, and standard … Read more

Exactness in SDP relaxations of QCQPs: Theory and applications

Quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) are a fundamental class of optimization problems. In a QCQP, we are asked to minimize a (possibly nonconvex) quadratic function subject to a number of (possibly nonconvex) quadratic constraints. Such problems arise naturally in many areas of operations research, computer science, and engineering. Although QCQPs are NP-hard to solve in … Read more

Conic Mixed-Binary Sets: Convex Hull Characterizations and Applications

We consider a general conic mixed-binary set where each homogeneous conic constraint involves an affine function of independent continuous variables and an epigraph variable associated with a nonnegative function, $f_j$, of common binary variables. Sets of this form naturally arise as substructures in a number of applications including mean-risk optimization, chance-constrained problems, portfolio optimization, lot-sizing … Read more

A Geometric View of SDP Exactness in QCQPs and its Applications

Let S denote a subset of Rn defined by quadratic equality and inequality constraints and let S denote its projected semidefinite program (SDP) relaxation. For example, take S and S to be the epigraph of a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) and the projected epigraph of its SDP relaxation respectively. In this paper, we suggest … Read more

Online Convex Optimization Perspective for Learning from Dynamically Revealed Preferences

We study the problem of online learning (OL) from revealed preferences: a learner wishes to learn an agent’s private utility function through observing the agent’s utility-maximizing actions in a changing environment. We adopt an online inverse optimization setup, where the learner observes a stream of agent’s actions in an online fashion and the learning performance … Read more

Necessary and sufficient conditions for rank-one generated cones

A closed convex conic subset $\cS$ of the positive semidefinite (PSD) cone is rank-one generated (ROG) if all of its extreme rays are generated by rank-one matrices. The ROG property of $\cS$ is closely related to the exactness of SDP relaxations of nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) related to $\cS$. We consider the case … Read more

Strong Formulations for Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Left-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity

Distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DR-CCP) over Wasserstein ambiguity sets exhibit attractive out-of-sample performance and admit big-$M$-based mixed-integer programming (MIP) reformulations with conic constraints. However, the resulting formulations often suffer from scalability issues as sample size increases. To address this shortcoming, we derive stronger formulations that scale well with respect to the sample size. Our focus … Read more

Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Right-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity

We consider exact deterministic mixed-integer programming (MIP) reformulations of distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DR-CCP) with random right-hand sides over Wasserstein ambiguity sets. The existing MIP formulations are known to have weak continuous relaxation bounds, and, consequently, for hard instances with small radius, or with a large number of scenarios, the branch-and-bound based solution processes suffer … Read more

On convex hulls of epigraphs of QCQPs

Quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) are a fundamental class of optimization problems well-known to be NP-hard in general. In this paper we study sufficient conditions for a convex hull result that immediately implies that the standard semidefinite program (SDP) relaxation of a QCQP is tight. We begin by outlining a general framework for proving such … Read more