Robust Vehicle Routing under Uncertainty via Branch-Price-and-Cut

This paper contemplates how branch-price-and-cut solvers can be employed along with the robust optimization paradigm to address parametric uncertainty in the context of vehicle routing problems. In this setting, given postulated uncertainty sets for customer demands and vehicle travel times, one aims to identify a set of cost-effective routes for vehicles to traverse, such that … Read more

Robust Planning of Sorting Operations in Express Delivery Systems

Parcel logistics services play a vital and growing role in economies worldwide, with customers demanding faster delivery of nearly everything to their homes. To move larger volumes more cost effectively, express carriers use sort technologies to consolidate parcels that share similar geographic and service characteristics for reduced per-unit handling and transportation costs. This paper focuses … Read more

Discrete Multi-Module Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems with Multiple Items

We study single-item discrete multi-module capacitated lot-sizing problems where the amount produced in each time period is equal to the summation of binary multiples of the capacities of n available different modules (or machines). For fixed n≥2, we develop fixed-parameter tractable (polynomial) exact algorithms that generalize the algorithms of van Vyve (2007) for n=1. We … Read more

An Application of a Traveling Salesman Problem with Independent Clusters for Cash-Collection Routing

Published in Annals of Operations Research. Motivated by a routing problem faced by banks to enhance their encashment services in the  city of Perm, Russia, we solve versions of the traveling salesman problem with clustering. To minimize the risk of theft, suppliers seek to operate multiple vehicles and determine an efficient routing; and, a single vehicle serves … Read more

Short-Term Inventory-Aware Equipment Management in Service Networks

Logistics companies often operate a heterogeneous fleet of equipment to support their service network operations. This introduces a layer of planning complexity as facilities need to maintain appropriate levels of equipment types to support operations throughout the planning horizon. We formulate an optimization model that minimizes the cost of executing a load plan, assuming knowledge … Read more

Production Routing for Perishable Products

This paper introduces the production routing problem for perishable products with fixed shelf life and gradual decay, where the age of products impacts the price that can be obtained when satisfying customer demands. In this problem, a single supplier is responsible for the production and distribution of perishable products to a set of customers. Fixed … Read more

Optimal design of an electricity-intensive industrial facility subject to electricity price uncertainty: stochastic optimization and scenario reduction

When considering the design of electricity-intensive industrial processes, a challenge is that future electricity prices are highly uncertain. Design decisions made before construction can affect operations decades into the future. We thus explore whether including electricity price uncertainty into the design process affects design decisions. We apply stochastic optimization to the design and operations of … Read more

A rolling-horizon approach for multi-period optimization

Mathematical optimization problems including a time dimension abound. For example, logistics, process optimization and production planning tasks must often be optimized for a range of time periods. Usually, these problems incorporating time structure are very large and cannot be solved to global optimality by modern solvers within a reasonable period of time. Therefore, the so-called … Read more

Two-Stage Sort Planning for Express Parcel Delivery

Recent years have brought significant changes in the operations of parcel transportation services, most notably due to the growing demand for e-commerce worldwide. Parcel sortation systems are used within sorting facilities in these transportation networks to enable the execution of effective consolidation plans with low per-unit handling and shipping costs. Designing and implementing effective parcel … Read more

An Exact Solution Method for the TSP with Drone Based on Decomposition

The Traveling Salesperson Problem with Drone (TSP–D) is a routing model in which a given set of customer locations must be visited in the least amount of time, either by a truck route starting and ending at a depot or by a drone dispatched from the truck en route. We study the TSP–D model and … Read more