Autonomous traffic at intersections: an optimization-based analysis of possible time, energy, and CO2 savings

In the growing field of autonomous driving, traffic-light controlled intersections as the nodes of large traffic networks are of special interest. We want to analyze how much an optimized coordination of vehicles and infrastructure can contribute to a more efficient transit through these bottlenecks. In addition, we are interested in sensitivity of the results with … Read more

A Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization Formulation for Electromagnetic Cloaking

We formulate a mixed-integer partial-differential equation constrained optimization problem for designing an electromagnetic cloak governed by the 2D Helmholtz equation with absorbing boundary conditions. Our formulation is an alternative to the topology optimization formulation of electromagnetic cloaking design. We extend the formulation to include uncertainty with respect to the angle of the incidence wave, and … Read more

Best Principal Submatrix Selection for the Maximum Entropy Sampling Problem: Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees

This paper studies a classic maximum entropy sampling problem (MESP), which aims to select the most informative principal submatrix with a given size out of a covariance matrix from a system. MESP has been widely applied to many areas, including healthcare, power system, manufacturing, data science, etc. Investigating its Lagrangian dual and primal characterization, we … Read more

Computing Technical Capacities in the European Entry-Exit Gas Market is NP-Hard

As a result of its liberalization, the European gas market is organized as an entry-exit system in order to decouple the trading and transport of natural gas. Roughly summarized, the gas market organization consists of four subsequent stages. First, the transmission system operator (TSO) is obliged to allocate so-called maximal technical capacities for the nodes … Read more

Risk-Neutral and Risk-Averse Transmission Switching for Load Shed Recovery

Maintaining an uninterrupted supply of electricity is a fundamental goal of power systems operators. However, due to critical outage events, customer demand or load is at times disconnected or shed temporarily. While deterministic optimization models have been devised to help operators expedite load shed recovery by harnessing the flexibility of the grid’s topology (i.e., transmission … Read more

Lossless Compression of Deep Neural Networks

Deep neural networks have been successful in many predictive modeling tasks, such as image and language recognition, where large neural networks are often used to obtain good accuracy. Consequently, it is challenging to deploy these networks under limited computational resources, such as in mobile devices. In this work, we introduce an algorithm that removes units … Read more

The perturbation analysis of nonconvex low-rank matrix robust recovery

In this paper, we bring forward a completely perturbed nonconvex Schatten $p$-minimization to address a model of completely perturbed low-rank matrix recovery. The paper that based on the restricted isometry property generalizes the investigation to a complete perturbation model thinking over not only noise but also perturbation, gives the restricted isometry property condition that guarantees … Read more

Expensive multi-objective optimization of electromagnetic mixing in a liquid metal

This paper presents a novel trust-region method for the optimization of multiple expensive functions. We apply this method to a biobjective optimization problem in fluid mechanics, the optimal mixing of particles in a flow in a closed container. The three-dimensional time-dependent flows are driven by Lorentz forces that are generated by an oscillating permanent magnet … Read more

Exploiting Partial Convexity of Pump Characteristics in Water Network Design

The design of water networks consists of selecting pipe connections and pumps to ensure a given water demand to minimize investment and operating costs. Of particular importance is the modeling of variable speed pumps, which are usually represented by degree two and three polynomials approximating the characteristic diagrams. In total, this yields complex mixed-integer (non-convex) … Read more

Dynamic string-averaging CQ-methods for the split feasibility problem with percentage violation constraints arising in radiation therapy treatment planning

In this paper we study a feasibility-seeking problem with percentage violation con- straints. These are additional constraints, that are appended to an existing family of constraints, which single out certain subsets of the existing constraints and declare that up to a speci ed fraction of the number of constraints in each subset is allowed to be … Read more