Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions, and Graph Realization

We study Semidefinite Programming, \SDPc relaxations for Sensor Network Localization, \SNLc with anchors and with noisy distance information. The main point of the paper is to view \SNL as a (nearest) Euclidean Distance Matrix, \EDM, completion problem and to show the advantages for using this latter, well studied model. We first show that the current … Read more

Approximation algorithms for metric tree cover and generalized tour and tree covers

Given a weighted undirected graph $G=(V,E)$, a tree (respectively tour) cover of an edge-weighted graph is a set of edges which forms a tree (resp. closed walk) and covers every other edge in the graph. The tree (resp. tour) cover problem is of finding a minimum weight tree (resp. tour) cover of $G$. Arkin, Halld\’orsson … Read more

A Unified Theorem on SDP Rank Reduction

We consider the problem of finding a low-rank approximate solution to a system of linear equations in symmetric, positive semidefinite matrices. Specifically, let $A_1,\ldots,A_m \in \R^{n\times n}$ be symmetric, positive semidefinite matrices, and let $b_1,\ldots,b_m \ge 0$. We show that if there exists a symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix $X$ to the system $A_i \bullet X … Read more

Orbitopal Fixing

The topic of this paper are integer programming models in which a subset of 0/1-variables encode a partitioning of a set of objects into disjoint subsets. Such models can be surprisingly hard to solve by branch-and-cut algorithms if the permutation of the subsets of the partition is irrelevant. This kind of symmetry unnecessarily blows up … Read more

Hybrid heuristics for the permutation flow shop problem

The Flow Shop Problem (FSP) is known to be NP-hard when more than three machines are considered. Thus, for non-trivial size problem instances, heuristics are needed to find good orderings. We consider the permutation case of this problem. For this case, denoted by F|prmu|Cmax, the sequence of jobs has to remain the same at each … Read more

Solving systems of nonlinear equations with continuous GRASP

A method for finding all roots of a system of nonlinear equations is described. Our method makes use of C-GRASP, a recently proposed continuous global optimization heuristic. Given a nonlinear system, we solve a corresponding adaptively modified global optimization problem multiple times, each time using C-GRASP, with areas of repulsion around roots that have already … Read more

GRASP with path-relinking for network migration scheduling

Network migration scheduling is the problem where inter-nodal traffic from an outdated telecommunications network is to be migrated to a new network. Nodes are migrated, one at each time period, from the old to the new network. All traffic originating or terminating at given node in the old network is moved to a specific node … Read more

Semidefinite programming, multivariate orthogonal polynomials, and codes in spherical caps

In this paper we apply the semidefinite programming approach developed by the authors to obtain new upper bounds for codes in spherical caps. We compute new upper bounds for the one-sided kissing number in several dimensions where we in particular get a new tight bound in dimension 8. Furthermore we show how to use the … Read more

A Matrix-lifting Semidefinite Relaxation for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

The quadratic assignment problem (\QAP) is arguably one of the hardest of the NP-hard discrete optimization problems. Problems of dimension greater than 20 are considered to be large scale. Current successful solution techniques depend on branch and bound methods. However, it is difficult to get \emph{strong and inexpensive} bounds. In this paper we introduce a … Read more

Copositive and Semidefinite Relaxations of the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Semidefinite relaxations of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) have recently turned out to provide good approximations to the optimal value of QAP. We take a systematic look at various conic relaxations of QAP. We first show that QAP can equivalently be formulated as a linear program over the cone of completely positive matrices. Since it … Read more