An Adaptive and Near Parameter-free BRKGA Using Q-Learning Method

The Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) is an efficient metaheuristic to solve combinatorial optimization problems but requires parameter tuning so the intensification and diversification of the algorithm work in a balanced way. There is, however, not only one optimal parameter configuration, and the best configuration may differ according to the stages of the evolutionary process. … Read more

Scaling Up Exact Neural Network Compression by ReLU Stability

We can compress a neural network while exactly preserving its underlying functionality with respect to a given input domain if some of its neurons are stable. However, current approaches to determine the stability of neurons in networks with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activations require solving or finding a good approximation to multiple discrete optimization problems. … Read more

Scalable Inference of Sparsely-changing Markov Random Fields with Strong Statistical Guarantees

In this paper, we study the problem of inferring time-varying Markov random fields (MRF), where the underlying graphical model is both sparse and changes sparsely over time. Most of the existing methods for the inference of time-varying MRFs rely on the regularized maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), that typically suffer from weak statistical guarantees and high … Read more

An exact price-cut-and-enumerate method for the capacitated multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows

We consider the capacitated multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows (CMTVRPTW), where vehicles are allowed to make multiple trips. The ability to perform multiple trips is necessary for some real-world applications where the vehicle capacity, the trip duration, or the number of drivers or vehicles is limited. However, it substantially increases the solution difficulty … Read more

Set characterizations and convex extensions for geometric convex-hull proofs

In the present work, we consider Zuckerberg’s method for geometric convex-hull proofs introduced in [Geometric proofs for convex hull defining formulations, Operations Research Letters 44(5), 625–629 (2016)]. It has only been scarcely adopted in the literature so far, despite the great flexibility in designing algorithmic proofs for the completeness of polyhedral descriptions that it offers. … Read more

Local search and swapping strategies.Challenging the greedy maximization of a polymatroid subject to a cardinality constraint

This paper studies the maximization of a polymatroid subject to a cardinality constraint. In particular, we consider the problem of improving the value of the greedy set by swapping one of its members with an element that does not belong to it. To achieve this goal, we first define a (set-based) post-greedy measure of curvature … Read more

Strong Optimal Classification Trees

Decision trees are among the most popular machine learning models and are used routinely in applications ranging from revenue management and medicine to bioinformatics. In this paper, we consider the problem of learning optimal binary classification trees with univariate splits. Literature on the topic has burgeoned in recent years, motivated both by the empirical suboptimality … Read more

Graph Coloring with Decision Diagrams

We introduce an iterative framework for solving graph coloring problems using decision diagrams. The decision diagram compactly represents all possible color classes, some of which may contain edge conflicts. In each iteration, we use a constrained minimum network flow model to compute a lower bound and identify conflicts. Infeasible color classes associated with these conflicts … Read more

Scheduling the Brazilian OR Conference

In this paper, we show how to efficiently schedule the Brazilian OR conference using a matheuristic approach. The event has traditionally around 300 presentations across a period of 3 to 4 days, and building a schedule for the technical sessions is an arduous task. The proposed algorithm integrates the concepts of iterated local search and … Read more

Fairness over Time in Dynamic Resource Allocation with an Application in Healthcare

Decision making problems are typically concerned with maximizing efficiency. In contrast, we address problems where there are multiple stakeholders and a centralized decision maker who is obliged to decide in a fair manner. Different decisions give different utility to each stakeholder. In cases where these decisions are made repeatedly, we provide efficient mathematical programming formulations … Read more