A new combinatorial algorithm for separable convex resource allocation with nested bound constraints

The separable convex resource allocation problem with nested bound constraints aims to allocate $B$ units of resources to $n$ activities to minimize a separable convex cost function, with lower and upper bounds on the total amount of resources that can be consumed by nested subsets of activities. We develop a new combinatorial algorithm to solve … Read more

Min max (relative) set-regret combinatorial optimization

We consider combinatorial optimization problems with uncertainty in the cost vector. Recently a novel approach was developed to deal such uncertainties: instead of a single one robust solution, obtained by solving a min max problem, the authors consider a set of solutions obtained by solving a min max min problem. In this new approach the … Read more

On the use of the simplex method for a type of allocation problems

In this study we discuss the use of the simplex method to solve allocation problems whose flow matrices are doubly stochastic. Although these problems can be solved via a 0-1 integer programming method, H.W. Kuhn [4] suggested the use of linear programming in addition to the Hungarian method. Specifically, we use the Birkhoff’s theorem to … Read more

An Efficient Linear Programming Based Method for the Influence Maximization Problem in Social Networks

The influence maximization problem (IMP) aims to determine the most influential individuals within a social network. In this study first we develop a binary integer program that approximates the original problem by Monte Carlo sampling. Next, to solve IMP efficiently, we propose a linear programming relaxation based method with a provable worst case bound that … Read more

Exploiting Partial Correlations in Distributionally Robust Optimization

In this paper, we identify partial correlation information structures that allow for simpler reformulations in evaluating the maximum expected value of mixed integer linear programs with random objective coefficients. To this end, assuming only the knowledge of the mean and the covariance matrix entries restricted to block-diagonal patterns, we develop a reduced semidefinite programming formulation, … Read more

Mathematical models for stable matching problems with ties and incomplete lists

We present new integer linear programming (ILP) models for NP-hard optimisation problems in instances of the Stable Marriage problem with Ties and Incomplete lists (SMTI) and its many-to-one generalisation, the Hospitals / Residents problem with Ties (HRT). These models can be used to efficiently solve these optimisation problems when applied to (i) instances derived from … Read more

Greedy Systems of Linear Inequalities and Lexicographically Optimal Solutions

The present note reveals the role of the concept of greedy system of linear inequalities played in connection with lexicographically optimal solutions on convex polyhedra and discrete convexity. The lexicographically optimal solutions on convex polyhedra represented by a greedy system of linear inequalities can be obtained by a greedy procedure, a special form of which … Read more

Branch-and-cut-and-price for the robust capacitated vehicle routing problem with knapsack uncertainty

We examine the robust counterpart of the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). We consider two types of uncertainty sets for the customer demands: the classical budget polytope introduced by Bertsimas and Sim (2003), and a partitioned budget polytope proposed by Gounaris et al. (2013). We show that using the set-partitioning formulation it is possible … Read more

Heuristic Methods for The Capacitated Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem Under The Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy

We consider a lot-sizing problem in a single-item single-stage production system facing non-stationary stochastic demand in a nite planning horizon. Motivated by practice, the set-up times need to be deter- mined and frozen once and for all at the beginning of the horizon while decisions on the exact lot sizes can be deferred until the … Read more

Tight MIP formulations for bounded length cyclic sequences

We study cyclic binary strings with bounds on the lengths of the intervals of consecutive ones and zeros. This is motivated by scheduling problems where such binary strings can be used to represent the state (on/off) of a machine. In this context the bounds correspond to minimum and maximum lengths of on- or off-intervals, and … Read more