On the von Neumann and Frank-Wolfe Algorithms with Away Steps

The von Neumann algorithm is a simple coordinate-descent algorithm to determine whether the origin belongs to a polytope generated by a finite set of points. When the origin is in the interior of the polytope, the algorithm generates a sequence of points in the polytope that converges linearly to zero. The algorithm’s rate of convergence … Read more

Asynchronous Block-Iterative Primal-Dual Decomposition Methods for Monotone Inclusions

We propose new primal-dual decomposition algorithms for solving systems of inclusions involving sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators. The principal innovation in these algorithms is that they are block-iterative in the sense that, at each iteration, only a subset of the monotone operators needs to be processed, as opposed to all operators as in … Read more

An optimal randomized incremental gradient method

In this paper, we consider a class of finite-sum convex optimization problems whose objective function is given by the summation of $m$ ($\ge 1$) smooth components together with some other relatively simple terms. We first introduce a deterministic primal-dual gradient (PDG) method that can achieve the optimal black-box iteration complexity for solving these composite optimization … Read more

Understanding the Convergence of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers: Theoretical and Computational Perspectives

The alternating direction of multipliers (ADMM) is a form of augmented Lagrangian algorithm that has experienced a renaissance in recent years due to its applicability to optimization problems arising from “big data” and image processing applications, and the relative ease with which it may be implemented in parallel and distributed computational environments. While it is … Read more

ARock: an Algorithmic Framework for Asynchronous Parallel Coordinate Updates

We propose ARock, an asynchronous parallel algorithmic framework for finding a fixed point to a nonexpansive operator. In the framework, a set of agents (machines, processors, or cores) update a sequence of randomly selected coordinates of the unknown variable in an asynchronous parallel fashion. As special cases of ARock, novel algorithms for linear systems, convex … Read more

A Bundle Method for Exploiting Additive Structure in Difficult Optimization Problems

This paper describes a bundle method for (approximately) minimizing complicated nonsmooth convex functions with additive structure, with the primary goal of computing bounds on the solution values of difficult optimization problems such as stochastic integer programs. The method combines features that have appeared in previously proposed bundle methods, but not in the particular configuration we … Read more

On the Step Size of Symmetric Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is an application of the Douglas-Rachford splitting method; and the symmetric version of ADMM which updates the Lagrange multiplier twice at each iteration is an application of the Peaceman-Rachford splitting method. Sometimes the symmetric ADMM works empirically; but theoretically its convergence is not guaranteed. It was recently found … Read more

$\varepsilon- Subdifferential of Set-valued Map and Its Application

In this paper, firstly, the concept of $\varepsilon-$strictly efficient subdifferential for set-valued map is introduced in Hausdorff locally convex topological vector spaces. Secondly, a characterization of this subdifferential by scalarization and the generalized $\varepsilon-$ Moreau-Rockafellar type theorem for set-valued maps are established. Finally, the necessary optimality condition of the constraint set-valued optimization problem for $\varepsilon-$ … Read more

Solving nonsmooth convex optimization with complexity (\eps^{-1/2})$

This paper describes an algorithm for solving structured nonsmooth convex optimization problems using OSGA, a first-order method with the complexity $O(\eps^{-2})$ for Lipschitz continuous nonsmooth problems and $O(\eps^{-1/2})$ for smooth problems with Lipschitz continuous gradient. If the nonsmoothness of the problem is manifested in a structured way, we reformulate the problem in a form that … Read more

Distributionally robust expectation inequalities for structured distributions

Quantifying the risk of unfortunate events occurring, despite limited distributional information, is a basic problem underlying many practical questions. Indeed, quantifying constraint violation probabilities in distributionally robust programming or judging the risk of financial positions can both be seen to involve risk quantification, notwithstanding distributional ambiguity. In this work we discuss worst-case probability and conditional … Read more