A full-Newton step infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear programming based on a kernel function

This paper proposes an infeasible interior-point algorithm with full-Newton step for linear programming, which is an extension of the work of Roos (SIAM J. Optim., 16(4):1110–1136, 2006). We introduce a kernel function in the algorithm. For $p\in[0,1)$, the polynomial complexity can be proved and the result coincides with the best result for infeasible interior-point methods, … Read more

Proximal Methods for Nonlinear Programming: Double Regularization and Inexact Subproblems

This paper describes the first phase of a project attempting to construct an efficient general-purpose nonlinear optimizer using an augmented Lagrangian outer loop with a relative error criterion, and an inner loop employing a state-of-the art conjugate gradient solver. The outer loop can also employ double regularized proximal kernels, a fairly recent theoretical development that … Read more

Implementing Algorithms for Signal and Image Reconstruction on Graphical Processing Units

Several highly effective algorithms that have been proposed recently for compressed sensing and image processing applications can be implemented efficiently on commodity graphical processing units (GPUs). The properties of algorithms and application that make for efficient GPU implementation are discussed, and computational results for several algorithms are presented that show large speedups over CPU implementations. … Read more

Duality-Based Algorithms for Total-Variation-Regularized Image Restoration

Image restoration models based on total variation (TV) have become popular since their introduction by Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi (ROF) in 1992. The dual formulation of this model has a quadratic objective with separable constraints, making projections onto the feasible set easy to compute. This paper proposes application of gradient projection (GP) algorithms to the … Read more

Lipschitz behavior of the robust regularization

To minimize or upper-bound the value of a function “robustly”, we might instead minimize or upper-bound the “epsilon-robust regularization”, defined as the map from a point to the maximum value of the function within an epsilon-radius. This regularization may be easy to compute: convex quadratics lead to semidefinite-representable regularizations, for example, and the spectral radius … Read more

Chance-constrained optimization via randomization: feasibility and optimality

In this paper we study the link between a semi-infinite chance-constrained optimization problem and its randomized version, i.e. the problem obtained by sampling a finite number of its constraints. Extending previous results on the feasibility of randomized convex programs, we establish here the feasibility of the solution obtained after the elimination of a portion of … Read more

On Verifiable Sufficient Conditions for Sparse Signal Recovery via L1 Minimization

We propose novel necessary and sufficient conditions for a sensing matrix to be “s-good” — to allow for exact L1-recovery of sparse signals with s nonzero entries when no measurement noise is present. Then we express the error bounds for imperfect L1-recovery (nonzero measurement noise, nearly s-sparse signal, near-optimal solution of the optimization problem yielding … Read more

Impulsive Optimal Control of Hybrid Finite-Dimensional Lagrangian Systems

The scope of this dissertation addresses numerical and theoretical issues in the impulsive control of hybrid finite-dimensional Lagrangian systems. In order to treat these aspects, a modeling framework is presented based on the measure-differential inclusion representation of the Lagrangian dynamics. The main advantage of this representation is that it enables the incorporation of set-valued force … Read more

Gradient based method for cone programming with application to large-scale compressed sensing

In this paper, we study a gradient based method for general cone programming (CP) problems. In particular, we first consider four natural primal-dual convex smooth minimization reformulations for them, and then discuss a variant of Nesterov’s smooth (VNS) method recently proposed by Tseng [30] for solving these reformulations. The associated worst-case major arithmetic operations costs … Read more

Necessary Conditions for the Impulsive Optimal Control of Multibody Mechanical Systems

In this work, necessary conditions for the impulsive optimal control of multibody mechanical systems are stated. The conditions are obtained by the application subdifferential calculus techniques to extended-valued lower semi-continuous generalized Bolza functional that is evaluated on multiple intervals. Contrary to the approach in literature so far, the instant of possibly impulsive transition is considered … Read more