A survey on operator splitting and decomposition of convex programs

Many structured convex minimization problems can be modeled by the search of a zero of the sum of two monotone operators. Operator splitting methods have been designed to decompose and regularize at the same time these kind of models. We review here these models and the classical splitting methods. We focus on the numerical sensitivity … Read more


In this work, we consider multiobjective optimization problems with both bound constraints on the variables and general nonlinear constraints, where objective and constraint function values can only be obtained by querying a black box. We define a linesearch-based solution method, and we show that it converges to a set of Pareto stationary points. To this … Read more

Variational analysis of spectral functions simplified

Spectral functions of symmetric matrices — those depending on matrices only through their eigenvalues — appear often in optimization. A cornerstone variational analytic tool for studying such functions is a formula relating their subdifferentials to the subdifferentials of their diagonal restrictions. This paper presents a new, short, and revealing derivation of this result. We then … Read more

On the non-ergodic convergence rate of an inexact augmented Lagrangian framework for composite convex programming

In this paper, we consider the linearly constrained composite convex optimization problem, whose objective is a sum of a smooth function and a possibly nonsmooth function. We propose an inexact augmented Lagrangian (IAL) framework for solving the problem. The stopping criterion used in solving the augmented Lagrangian (AL) subproblem in the proposed IAL framework is … Read more

Bounded perturbation resilience of projected scaled gradient methods

We investigate projected scaled gradient (PSG) methods for convex minimization problems. These methods perform a descent step along a diagonally scaled gradient direction followed by a feasibility regaining step via orthogonal projection onto the constraint set. This constitutes a generalized algorithmic structure that encompasses as special cases the gradient projection method, the projected Newton method, … Read more

Vanishing Price of Anarchy in Large Coordinative Nonconvex Optimization

We focus on a class of nonconvex cooperative optimization problems that involve multiple participants. We study the duality framework and provide geometric and analytic character- izations of the duality gap. The dual problem is related to a market setting in which each participant pursuits self interests at a given price of common goods. The duality … Read more

On the von Neumann and Frank-Wolfe Algorithms with Away Steps

The von Neumann algorithm is a simple coordinate-descent algorithm to determine whether the origin belongs to a polytope generated by a finite set of points. When the origin is in the interior of the polytope, the algorithm generates a sequence of points in the polytope that converges linearly to zero. The algorithm’s rate of convergence … Read more

Stability of p-order metric regularity

This paper shows that $p$-order metric regularity is preserved under perturbation of H\”older continuous mapping of order $1/p$, which answers affirmatively a problem posed recently by Dontchev. Citation Technical report, Department of Mathematics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 07/2015

On the unimodality of METRIC Approximation subject to normally distributed demands

METRIC Approximation is a popular model for supply chain management. We prove that it has a unimodal objective function when the demands of the n retailers are normally distributed. That allows us to solve it with a convergent sequence. This optimization method leads us to a closed-form equation of computational complexity O(n). Its solutions are … Read more

A Flexible Coordinate Descent Method for Big Data Applications

We present a novel randomized block coordinate descent method for the minimization of a convex composite objective function. The method uses (approximate) partial second-order (curvature) information, so that the algorithm performance is more robust when applied to highly nonseparable or ill conditioned problems. We call the method Flexible Coordinate Descent (FCD). At each iteration of … Read more