Copositivity and constrained fractional quadratic problems

We provide Completely Positive and Copositive Programming formulations for the Constrained Fractional Quadratic Problem (CFQP) and Standard Fractional Quadratic Problem (StFQP). Based on these formulations, Semidefinite Programming (SDP) relaxations are derived for finding good lower bounds to these fractional programs, which are used in a global optimization branch-and-bound approach. Applications of the CFQP and StFQP, … Read more

Explicit Convex and Concave Envelopes through Polyhedral Subdivisions

In this paper, we derive explicit characterizations of convex and concave envelopes of several nonlinear functions over various subsets of a hyper-rectangle. These envelopes are obtained by identifying polyhedral subdivisions of the hyper-rectangle over which the envelopes can be constructed easily. In particular, we use these techniques to derive, in closed-form, the concave envelopes of … Read more

Separation and Relaxation for cones of quadratic forms

Let P be a pointed, polyhedral cone in R_n. In this paper, we study the cone C = cone{xx^T: x \in P} of quadratic forms. Understanding the structure of C is important for globally solving NP-hard quadratic programs over P. We establish key characteristics of C and construct a separation algorithm for C provided one … Read more

Separating Doubly Nonnegative and Completely Positive Matrices

The cone of Completely Positive (CP) matrices can be used to exactly formulate a variety of NP-Hard optimization problems. A tractable relaxation for CP matrices is provided by the cone of Doubly Nonnegative (DNN) matrices; that is, matrices that are both positive semidefinite and componentwise nonnegative. A natural problem in the optimization setting is then … Read more

A joint+marginal approach to parametric polynomial optimization

Given a compact parameter set $Y\subset R^p$, we consider polynomial optimization problems $(P_\y$) on $R^n$ whose description depends on the parameter $y\in Y$. We assume that one can compute all moments of some probability measure $\varphi$ on $Y$, absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure (e.g. $Y$ is a box or a simplex and … Read more

Most tensor problems are NP-hard

We show that multilinear (tensor) analogues of many efficiently computable problems in numerical linear algebra are NP-hard. Our list here includes: determining the feasibility of a system of bilinear equations, deciding whether a tensor possesses a given eigenvalue, singular value, or spectral norm; approximating an eigenvalue, eigenvector, singular vector, or spectral norm; determining a best … Read more

A Facial Reduction Algorithm for Finding Sparse SOS Representations

Facial reduction algorithm reduces the size of the positive semidefinite cone in SDP. The elimination method for a sparse SOS polynomial ([3]) removes unnecessary monomials for an SOS representation. In this paper, we establish a relationship between a facial reduction algorithm and the elimination method for a sparse SOS polynomial. Citation Technical Report CS-09-02, Department … Read more

Standard Bi-Quadratic Optimization Problems and Unconstrained Polynomial Reformulations

A so-called Standard Bi-Quadratic Optimization Problem (StBQP) consists in minimizing a bi-quadratic form over the Cartesian product of two simplices (so this is different from a Bi-Standard QP where a quadratic function is minimized over the same set). An application example arises in portfolio selection. In this paper we present a bi-quartic formulation of StBQP, … Read more

Facial reduction algorithms for conic optimization problems

To obtain a primal-dual pair of conic programming problems having zero duality gap, two methods have been proposed: the facial reduction algorithm due to Borwein and Wolkowicz [1,2] and the conic expansion method due to Luo, Sturm, and Zhang [5]. We establish a clear relationship between them. Our results show that although the two methods … Read more

Old Wine in a New Bottle: The MILP Road to MIQCP

This paper surveys results on the NP-hard mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming problem. The focus is strong convex relaxations and valid inequalities, which can become the basis of efficient global techniques. In particular, we discuss relaxations and inequalities arising from the algebraic description of the problem as well as from dynamic procedures based on disjunctive programming. … Read more