Varying the Population Size of Artificial Foraging Swarms on Time Varying Landscapes

Swarm Intelligence (SI) is the property of a system whereby the collective behaviors of (unsophisticated) entities interacting locally with their environment cause coherent functional global patterns to emerge. SI provides a basis with wich it is possible to explore collective (or distributed) problem solving without centralized control or the provision of a global model. In … Read more

Toward a new DIRECT algorithm. A two-points based sampling method

The DIRECT algorithm was motivated by a modification to Lipschitzian optimization. The algorithm begins its search by sampling the objective function at the midpoint of an interval, where this function attains its lowest value, and then divides this interval by trisecting it. One of its weakness is that if a global minimum lies at the … Read more

Global Optimization Toolbox for Maple: An Introduction with Illustrative Applications

This article presents a concise review of the scientific–technical computing system Maple and its application potentials in Operations Research, systems modeling and optimization. The primary emphasis is placed on nonlinear optimization models that may involve complicated functions, and/or may have multiple – global and local – optima. We introduce the Global Optimization Toolbox to solve … Read more

NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION IN MODELING ENVIRONMENTS: Software Implementations for Compilers, Spreadsheets, Modeling Languages, and Integrated Computing Systems

We present a review of several professional software products that serve to analyze and solve nonlinear (global and local) optimization problems across a variety of hardware and software environments. The product versions discussed have been implemented for compiler platforms, spreadsheets, algebraic (optimization) modeling languages, and for integrated scientific-technical computing systems. The discussion highlights some of … Read more

A Population Based Approach for Hard Global Optimization Problems Based on Dissimilarity Measures

When dealing with extremely hard global optimization problems, i.e. problems with a large number of variables and a huge number of local optima, heuristic procedures are the only possible choice. In this situation, lacking any possibility of guaranteeing global optimality for most problem instances, it is quite difficult to establish rules for discriminating among different … Read more

A PTAS for the minimization of polynomials of fixed degree over the simplex

We consider the problem of computing the minimum value $p_{\min}$ taken by a polynomial $p(x)$ of degree $d$ over the standard simplex $\Delta$. This is an NP-hard problem already for degree $d=2$. For any integer $k\ge 1$, by minimizing $p(x)$ over the set of rational points in $\Delta$ with denominator $k$, one obtains a hierarchy … Read more

GRASP with path-relinking for the weighted maximum satisfiability problem

A GRASP with path-relinking for finding good-quality solutions of the weighted maximum satisfiability problem (MAX-SAT) is described in this paper. GRASP, or Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure, is a randomized multi-start metaheuristic, where at each iteration locally optimal solutions are constructed, each independent of the others. Previous experimental results indicate its effectiveness for solving weighted … Read more

Convergence of a hybrid projection-proximal point algorithm coupled with approximation methods in convex optimization

In order to minimize a closed convex function that is approximated by a sequence of better behaved functions, we investigate the global convergence of a generic diagonal hybrid algorithm, which consists of an inexact relaxed proximal point step followed by a suitable orthogonal projection onto a hyperplane. The latter permits to consider a fixed relative … Read more

Sums of Squares and Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for Polynomial Optimization Problems with Structured Sparsity

Unconstrained and inequality constrained sparse polynomial optimization problems (POPs) are considered. A correlative sparsity pattern graph is defined to find a certain sparse structure in the objective and constraint polynomials of a POP. Based on this graph, sets of supports for sums of squares (SOS) polynomials that lead to efficient SOS and semidefinite programming (SDP) … Read more

Jordan-algebraic aspects of nonconvex optimization over symmetric cones

We illustrate the usefulness of Jordan-algebraic technique for nonconvex optimization by considering a potential-reduction algorithm for a nonconvex quadratic function over the domain obtained as the intersection of a symmetric cone with an affine subspace Citation Preprint, September,2004 Article Download View Jordan-algebraic aspects of nonconvex optimization over symmetric cones