On Blocking and Anti-Blocking Polyhedra in Infinite Dimensions

We consider the natural generalizations of blocking and anti-blocking polyhedra in infinite dimensions, and study issues related to duality and integrality of extreme points for these sets. Using appropriate finite truncations, we give conditions under which complementary slackness holds for primal-dual pairs of the infi nite linear programming problems associated with infi nite blocking and anti-blocking polyhedra. … Read more

Primal-dual methods for solving infinite-dimensional games

In this paper we show that the infinite-dimensional differential games with simple objective functional can be solved in a finite-dimensional dual form in the space of dual multipliers for the constraints related to the end points of the trajectories. The primal solutions can be easily reconstructed by the appropriate dual subgradient schemes. The suggested schemes … Read more

Global Optimization of Generalized Semi-Infinite Programs via Restriction of the Right Hand Side

The algorithm proposed in [Mitsos Optimization 2011] for the global optimization of semi-infinite programs is extended to the global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs (GSIP). No convexity or concavity assumptions are made. The algorithm employs convergent lower and upper bounds which are based on regular (in general nonconvex) nonlinear programs (NLP) solved by a (black-box) … Read more

A cutting surface algorithm for semi-infinite convex programming with an application to moment robust optimization

We first present and analyze a central cutting surface algorithm for general semi-infinite convex optimization problems, and use it to develop an algorithm for distributionally robust optimization problems in which the uncertainty set consists of probability distributions with given bounds on their moments. The cutting surface algorithm is also applicable to problems with non-differentiable semi-infinite … Read more

A branch and bound approach for convex semi-infinite programming

In this paper we propose an efficient approach for globally solving a class of convex semi-infinite programming (SIP) problems. Under the objective function and constraints (w.r.t. the variables to be optimized) convexity assumption, and appropriate differentiability, we propose a branch and bound exchange type method for SIP. To compute a feasible point for a SIP … Read more

On the sufficiency of finite support duals in semi-infinite linear programming

We consider semi-infinite linear programs with countably many constraints indexed by the natural numbers. When the constraint space is the vector space of all real valued sequences, we show the finite support (Haar) dual is equivalent to the algebraic Lagrangian dual of the linear program. This settles a question left open by Anderson and Nash~\cite{anderson-nash}. … Read more

Projection: A Unified Approach to Semi-Infinite Linear Programs and Duality in Convex Programming

Fourier-Motzkin elimination is a projection algorithm for solving finite linear programs. We extend Fourier-Motzkin elimination to semi-infinite linear programs which are linear programs with finitely many variables and infinitely many constraints. Applying projection leads to new characterizations of important properties for primal-dual pairs of semi-infinite programs such as zero duality gap, feasibility, boundedness, and solvability. … Read more

Calmness modulus of linear semi-infinite programs

Our main goal is to compute or estimate the calmness modulus of the argmin mapping of linear semi-infinite optimization problems under canonical perturbations, i.e., perturbations of the objective function together with continuous perturbations of the right-hand side of the constraint system (with respect to an index ranging in a compact Hausdorff space). Specifically, we provide … Read more

The Slater condition is generic in linear conic programming

We call a property generic if it holds for almost all problem instances. For linear conic problems, it has been shown in the literature that properties like uniqueness, strict complementarity or nondegeneracy of the optimal solution are generic under the assumption that Slater’s condition is fulfilled. The possibility that Slater’s condition generically fails has not … Read more

Rate analysis of inexact dual first order methods: Application to distributed MPC for network systems

In this paper we propose two dual decomposition methods based on inexact dual gradient information for solving large-scale smooth convex optimization problems. The complicating constraints are moved into the cost using the Lagrange multipliers. The dual problem is solved by inexact first order methods based on approximate gradients and we prove sublinear rate of convergence … Read more