MIP Reformulations of the Probabilistic Set Covering Problem

In this paper we address the following probabilistic version (PSC) of the set covering problem: $min \{ cx \ |\ {\mathbb P} (Ax\ge \xi) \ge p,\ x_{j}\in \{0,1\}^N\}$ where $A$ is a 0-1 matrix, $\xi$ is a random 0-1 vector and $p\in (0,1]$ is the threshold probability level. We formulate (PSC) as a mixed integer … Read more

Integer Programming Solution Approach for Inventory-Production-Distribution Problems with Direct Shipments

We construct an integrated multi-period inventory-production-distribution replenishment plan for three-stage supply chains. The supply chain maintains close-relationships with a small group of suppliers, and the nature of the products (bulk, chemical, etc.) makes it more economical to rely upon a direct shipment, full-truck load distribution policy between supply chain nodes. In this paper, we formulate … Read more

Capacitated network design using general flow-cutset inequalities

This paper deals with directed, bidirected, and undirected capacitated network design problems. Using mixed integer rounding (MIR), we generalize flow-cutset inequalities to these three link types and to an arbitrary modular link capacity structure, and propose a generic separation algorithm. In an extensive computational study on 54 instances from the Survivable Network Design Library (SNDlib), … Read more

Cardinality Cuts: New Cutting Planes for 0-1 Programming

We present new valid inequalities that work in similar ways to well known cover inequalities.The differences exist in three aspects. First difference is in the generation of the inequalities. The method used in generation of the new cuts is more practical in contrast to classical cover inequalities. Second difference is the more general applicability, i.e., … Read more

The Mixing-MIR Set with Divisible Capacities

We study the set $S = \{(x, y) \in \Re_{+} \times Z^{n}: x + B_{j} y_{j} \geq b_{j}, j = 1, \ldots, n\}$, where $B_{j}, b_{j} \in \Re_{+} – \{0\}$, $j = 1, \ldots, n$, and $B_{1} | \cdots | B_{n}$. The set $S$ generalizes the mixed-integer rounding (MIR) set of Nemhauser and Wolsey and … Read more

On the complexity of cutting plane proofs using split cuts

We prove that cutting-plane proofs which use split cuts have exponential length in the worst case. Split cuts, defined by Cook, Kannan, Schrijver (1993), are known to be equivalent to a number of other classes of cuts, namely mixed-integer rounding (MIR) cuts, Gomory mixed-integer cuts, and disjunctive cuts. Our result thus implies the exponential worst-case … Read more

n-step MIR Functions: Facets for Finite and Infinite Group Problems

The n-step mixed integer rounding (MIR) functions are used to generate n-step MIR inequalities for (mixed) integer programming problems (Kianfar and Fathi, 2006). We show that these functions are sources for generating extreme valid inequalities (facets) for group problems. We first prove the n-step MIR function, for any positive integer n, generates two-slope facets for … Read more

Sequence independent lifting for 0-1 knapsack problems with disjoint cardinality constraints

In this paper, we study the set of 0-1 integer solutions to a single knapsack constraint and a set of non-overlapping cardinality constraints (MCKP). This set is a generalization of the traditional 0-1 knapsack polytope and the 0-1 knapsack polytope with generalized upper bounds. We derive strong valid inequalities for the convex hull of its … Read more

Cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs

This paper addresses the problem of finding cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs. We give a general method for generating cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs based on combining inequalities that are valid for the individual scenarios. We apply the method to generate cuts for a stochastic version of a dynamic knapsack problem … Read more

Two step MIR inequalities for mixed-integer programs

Two-step mixed-integer rounding inequalities are valid inequalities derived from a facet of a simple mixed-integer set with three variables and one constraint. In this paper we investigate how to effectively use these inequalities as cutting planes for general mixed-integer problems. We study the separation problem for single constraint sets and show that it can be … Read more