Evaluation of Political Redistricting in Japan by Optimization and Enumeration

The political/electoral districting problem for the single-seat constituency system is a problem of decomposing a graph into connected components of a given number of seats under several conditions and objectives. We evaluate and analyze the current division of single-seat constituencies for the House of Representatives using optimization and enumeration. The objective function is to minimize … Read more

On Supervalid Inequalities for Binary Interdiction Games

Supervalid inequalities are a specific type of constraints often used within the branch-and-cut framework to strengthen the linear relaxation of mixed-integer programs. These inequalities share the particular characteristic of potentially removing feasible integer solutions as long as they are already dominated by an incumbent solution. This paper focuses on supervalid inequalities for solving binary interdiction … Read more

Submodular maximization and its generalization through an intersection cut lens

\(\) We study a mixed-integer set \(\mathcal{S}:=\{(x,t) \in \{0,1\}^n \times \mathbb{R}: f(x) \ge t\}\) arising in the submodular maximization problem, where \(f\) is a submodular function defined over \(\{0,1\}^n\). We use intersection cuts to tighten a polyhedral outer approximation of \(\mathcal{S}\). We construct a continuous extension \(\mathsf{F}\) of \(f\), which is convex and defined over … Read more

Monoidal Strengthening of Simple V-Polyhedral Disjunctive Cuts

Disjunctive cutting planes can tighten a relaxation of a mixed-integer linear program. Traditionally, such cuts are obtained by solving a higher-dimensional linear program, whose additional variables cause the procedure to be computationally prohibitive. Adopting a V-polyhedral perspective is a practical alternative that enables the separation of disjunctive cuts via a linear program with only as … Read more

A Column Generation Approach for the Lexicographic Optimization of Intra-Hospital Transports

Over the last fewyears, the efficient design of processes in hospitals and medical facilities has received more and more attention, particularly when the improvement of the processes is aimed at relieving theworkload of medical staff. To this end,we have developed a method to determine optimal allocations of intra-hospital transports to hospital transport employees. When optimizing … Read more

A Test Instance Generator for Multiobjective Mixed-integer Optimization

Application problems can often not be solved adequately by numerical algorithms as several difficulties might arise at the same time. When developing and improving algorithms which hopefully allow to handle those difficulties in the future, good test instances are required. These can then be used to detect the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithmic approaches. … Read more

Political districting to minimize county splits

When partitioning a state into political districts, a common criterion is that political subdivisions like counties should not be split across multiple districts. This criterion is encoded into most state constitutions and is sometimes enforced quite strictly by the courts. However, map drawers, courts, and the public typically do not know what amount of splitting … Read more

Variable Selection for Kernel Two-Sample Tests

We consider the variable selection problem for two-sample tests, aiming to select the most informative variables to distinguish samples from two groups. To solve this problem, we propose a framework based on the kernel maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). Our approach seeks a group of variables with a pre-specified size that maximizes the variance-regularized MMD statistics. … Read more

Unboxing Tree Ensembles for interpretability: a hierarchical visualization tool and a multivariate optimal re-built tree

Article Download View Unboxing Tree Ensembles for interpretability: a hierarchical visualization tool and a multivariate optimal re-built tree

On solving the MAX-SAT using sum of squares

We consider semidefinite programming (SDP) approaches for solving the maximum satisfiabilityproblem (MAX-SAT) and the weighted partial MAX-SAT. It is widely known that SDP is well-suitedto approximate the (MAX-)2-SAT. Our work shows the potential of SDP also for other satisfiabilityproblems, by being competitive with some of the best solvers in the yearly MAX-SAT competition.Our solver combines … Read more