Compact linearization for bilinear mixed-integer problems

We present a compact linearization for a broad class of bilinear 0-1 mixed-integer problems subject to assignment constraints. We apply the linearization to three classes of problems: quadratic assignment, multiprocessor scheduling with communication delays, and graph partitioning, and show that it yields faster solution times. Citation DEI, Politecnico di Milano, Working paper, April 2005. Article … Read more

Network Design Arc Set with Variable Upper Bounds

In this paper we study the network design arc set with variable upper bounds. This set appears as a common substructure of many network design problems and is a relaxation of several fundamental mixed-integer sets studied earlier independently. In particular, the splittable flow arc set, the unsplittable flow arc set, the single node fixed-charge flow … Read more

Robust DWDM Routing and Provisioning under Polyhedral Demand Uncertainty

We present mixed integer linear programming models that are robust in the face of uncertain traffic demands known to lie in a certain polyhedron for the problem of dense wavelength division multiplexing network routing and provisioning at minimal cost. We investigate the solution of the problem in a set of numerical experiments for two models … Read more

In Situ Column Generation for a Cutting-Stock Problem

Working with an integer bilinear programming formulation of a one-dimensional cutting-stock problem, we develop an ILP-based local-search heuristic. The ILPs holistically integrate the master and subproblem of the usual price driven pattern-generation paradigm, resulting in a unified model that generates new patterns in situ. We work harder to generate new columns, but we are guaranteed … Read more

Manufacturer’s Mixed Pallet Design Problem

We study a problem faced by a major beverage producer. The company produces and distributes several brands to various customers from its regional distributors. For some of these brands, most customers do not have enough demand to justify full pallet shipments. Therefore, the company decided to design a number of mixed or “rainbow” pallets so … Read more

On the equivalence of the max-min transportation lower bound and the time-indexed lower bound for single-machine scheduling problems

New observations are made about two lower bound schemes for single-machine min-sum scheduling problems. We find that the strongest bound of those provided by transportation problem relaxations can be computed by solving a linear program. We show the equivalence of this strongest bound and the bound provided by the LP relaxation of the time-indexed integer … Read more

On separating cover inequalities for the multidimensional knapsack problem

We propose a simple and sufficiently fast separation procedure to identify cover inequalities for the multidimensional knapsack problem. It is based on the solution of a conventional integer programming model. Solving this kind of integer programs are usually considered expensive and the proposed method may have been overlooked because of this assumption. The results of … Read more

A branch and cut algorithm for solving the linear and quadratic integer programming problems

This paper first presents an improve cutting plane method for solving the linear programming problems, based on the primal simplex method with the current equivalent facet technique, in which the increment of objection function is allowed as a pivot variable to decide the search step size. We obtain a strong valid inequality from the objective … Read more

A Case Study of Joint Online Truck Scheduling and Inventory Management for Multiple Warehouses

For a real world problem — transporting pallets between warehouses in order to guarantee sufficient supply for known and additional stochastic demand — we propose a solution approach via convex relaxation of an integer programming formulation, suitable for online optimization. The essential new element linking routing and inventory management is a convex piecewise linear cost … Read more

Linear Programming Lower Bounds for Minimum Converter Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks

In this paper, we study the conflict-free assignment of wavelengths to lightpaths in an optical network with the opportunity to place wavelength converters. To benchmark heuristics for the problem, we develop integer programming formulations and study their properties. Moreover, we study the computational performance of the column generation algorithm for solving the linear relaxation of … Read more