Generalization of the primal and dual affine scaling algorithms

We obtain a class of primal ane scaling algorithms which generalize some known algorithms. This class, depending on a r-parameter, is constructed through a family of metrics generated by ��r power, r  1, of the diagonal iterate vector matrix. We prove the so-called weak convergence of the primal class for nondegenerate linearly constrained convex … Read more

Constraint Reduction for Linear Programs with Many Inequality Constraints

Consider solving a linear program in standard form, where the constraint matrix $A$ is $m \times n$, with $n \gg m \gg 1$. Such problems arise, for example, as the result of finely discretizing a semi-infinite program. The cost per iteration of typical primal-dual interior-point methods on such problems is $O(m^2n)$. We propose to reduce … Read more

On the Convergence of a Primal-Dual Second-Order Corrector Interior Point Algorithm for Linear Programming

The Primal-Dual Second Order Corrector (PDSOC) algorithm that we investigate computes on each iteration a corrector direction in addition to the direction of the standard primal-dual path-following interior point method (Kojima et al., 1989) for Linear Programming (LP), in an attempt to improve performance. The corrector is multiplied by the square of the stepsize in … Read more

A linear programming reformulation of the standard quadratic optimization problem

The problem of minimizing a quadratic form over the standard simplex is known as the standard quadratic optimization problem (SQO). It is NP-hard, and contains the maximum stable set problem in graphs as a special case. In this note we show that the SQO problem may be reformulated as an (exponentially sized) linear program. Citation … Read more

Sensitivity analysis in convex quadratic optimization: simultaneous perturbation of the objective and right-hand-side vectors

In this paper we study the behavior of Convex Quadratic Optimization problems when variation occurs simultaneously in the right-hand side vector of the constraints and in the coefficient vector of the linear term in the objective function. It is proven that the optimal value function is piecewise-quadratic. The concepts of transition point and invariancy interval … Read more

Towards a practical parallelisation of the simplex method

The simplex method is frequently the most efficient method of solving linear programming (LP) problems. This paper reviews previous attempts to parallelise the simplex method in relation to efficient serial simplex techniques and the nature of practical LP problems. For the major challenge of solving general large sparse LP problems, there has been no parallelisation … Read more

Some Disadvantages of a Mehrotra-Type Primal-Dual Corrector Interior Point Algorithm for Linear Programming

The Primal-Dual Corrector (PDC) algorithm that we propose computes on each iteration a corrector direction in addition to the direction of the standard primal-dual path-following interior point method (Kojima et al., 1989) for Linear Programming (LP), in an attempt to improve performance. The new iterate is chosen by moving along the sum of these directions, … Read more

A Full-Newton Step (n)$ Infeasible Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Optimization

We present a full-Newton step infeasible interior-point algorithm. It is shown that at most $O(n)$ (inner) iterations suffice to reduce the duality gap and the residuals by the factor $\frac1{e}$. The bound coincides with the best known bound for infeasible interior-point algorithms. It is conjectured that further investigation will improve the above bound to $O(\sqrt{n})$. … Read more

Rigorous Error Bounds for the Optimal Value in Semidefinite Programming

A wide variety of problems in global optimization, combinatorial optimization as well as systems and control theory can be solved by using linear and semidefinite programming. Sometimes, due to the use of floating point arithmetic in combination with ill-conditioning and degeneracy, erroneous results may be produced. The purpose of this article is to show how … Read more

How good are interior point methods? Klee-Minty cubes tighten iteration-complexity bounds.

By refining a variant of the Klee-Minty example that forces the central path to visit all the vertices of the Klee-Minty n-cube, we exhibit a nearly worst-case example for path-following interior point methods. Namely, while the theoretical iteration-complexity upper bound is O(2^{n}n^{\frac{5}{2}}), we prove that solving this n-dimensional linear optimization problem requires at least $2^n-1$ … Read more