Computational Experience with Rigorous Error Bounds for the Netlib Linear Programming Library

The Netlib library of linear programming problems is a well known suite containing many real world applications. Recently it was shown by Ordonez and Freund that 71% of these problems are ill-conditioned. Hence, numerical difficulties may occur. Here, we present rigorous results for this library that are computed by a verification method using interval arithmetic. … Read more

A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming

This paper studies a new primal-dual interior/exterior-point method for linear programming. We begin with the usual perturbed primal-dual optimality equations $F_\mu(x,y,z)=0$. Under nondegeneracy assumptions, this nonlinear system is well-posed, i.e. it has a nonsingular Jacobian at optimality and is not necessarily ill-conditioned as the iterates approach optimality. We use a simple preprocessing step to eliminate … Read more

A New Complexity Result on Solving the Markov Decision Problem

We present a new complexity result on solving the Markov decision problem (MDP) with $n$ states and a number of actions for each state, a special class of real-number linear programs with the Leontief matrix structure. We prove that, when the discount factor $\theta$ is strictly less than $1$, the problem can be solved in … Read more

Faster approximation algorithms for packing and covering problems

We adapt a method due to Nesterov so as to obtain an algorithm for solving block-angular fractional packing or covering problems to relative tolerance epsilon, while using a number of iterations that grows polynomially in the size of the problem and whose dependency on epsilon is proportional to 1/epsilon. Citation CORC report TR-2004-09, Computational Optimization … Read more

Interior point methods for large-scale linear programming

We discuss interior point methods for large-scale linear programming, with an emphasis on methods that are useful for problems arising in telecommunications. We give the basic framework of a primal-dual interior point method, and consider the numerical issues involved in calculating the search direction in each iteration, including the use of factorization methods and/or preconditioned … Read more


In this paper we introduce a new barrier function $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(2x_i-1)[\ln{x_i}-\ln(1-x_i)]$ to solve the following optimization problem: $\min\,\, f(x)$ subject to: $Ax=b;\;\;0\leq x\leq e$. We show that this function is a $(3/2)n$-self-concordant barrier on the hypercube $[0,1]^n$. We prove that the central path is well defined and that under an additional assumption on the objective function, … Read more

Sensitivity analysis in linear optimization: Invariant support set intervals

Sensitivity analysis is one of the most nteresting and preoccupying areas in optimization. Many attempts are made to investigate the problem’s behavior when the input data changes. Usually variation occurs in the right hand side of the constraints and/or the objective function coefficients. Degeneracy of optimal solutions causes considerable difficulties in sensitivity analysis. In this … Read more

Symmetry Points of Convex Set: Basic Properties and Computational Complexity

Given a convex body S and a point x \in S, let sym(x,S) denote the symmetry value of x in S: sym(x,S):= max{t : x + t(x – y) \in S for every y \in S}, which essentially measures how symmetric S is about the point x, and define sym(S):=\max{sym(x,S) : x \in S }. … Read more

Pointillism via Linear Programming

Pointillism is a painting technique in which the painter places dots of paint on the canvas in such a way that they blend together into desired forms when viewed from a distance. In this brief note, we describe how to use linear programming to construct a pointillist portrait. Citation Dept. of Mathematics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for linear optimization problem with fuzzy data in the objective function

Linear programming problems with fuzzy coefficients in the objective function are considered. Emphasis is on the dependence of the optimal solution from linear perturbations of the membership functions of the objective function coefficients as well as on the computation of a robust solution of the fuzzy linear problem if the membership functions are not surely … Read more