Perturbation resilience and superiorization of iterative algorithms

Iterative algorithms aimed at solving some problems are discussed. For certain problems, such as finding a common point in the intersection of a finite number of convex sets, there often exist iterative algorithms that impose very little demand on computer resources. For other problems, such as finding that point in the intersection at which the … Read more

On Equivalence of Semidefinite Relaxations for Quadratic Matrix Programming

In this paper, we analyze two popular semidefinite programming \SDPb relaxations for quadratically constrained quadratic programs \QCQPb with matrix variables. These are based on \emph{vector-lifting} and on \emph{matrix lifting} and are of different size and expense. We prove, under mild assumptions, that these two relaxations provide equivalent bounds. Thus, our results provide a theoretical guideline … Read more

Achieving Higher Frequencies in Large-Scale Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

We present new insights into how to achieve higher frequencies in large-scale nonlinear predictive control using truncated-like schemes. The basic idea is that, instead of solving the full nonlinear programming (NLP) problem at each sampling time, we solve a single, truncated quadratic programming (QP) problem. We present conditions guaranteeing stability of the approximation error derived … Read more

Convexity Conditions and the Legendre-Fenchel Transform for the Product of Finitely Many Positive Definite Quadratic Forms

While the product of finitely many convex functions has been investigated in the field of global optimization, some fundamental issues such as the convexity condition and the Legendre-Fenchel transform for the product function remain unresolved. Focusing on quadratic forms, this paper is aimed at addressing the question: \emph{When is the product of finitely many positive … Read more

Convergence and Descent Properties for a Class of Multilevel Optimization Algorithms

I present a multilevel optimization approach (termed MG/Opt) for the solution of constrained optimization problems. The approach assumes that one has a hierarchy of models, ordered from fine to coarse, of an underlying optimization problem, and that one is interested in finding solutions at the finest level of detail. In this hierarchy of models calculations … Read more

Solving A Low-Rank Factorization Model for Matrix Completion by A Nonlinear Successive Over-Relaxation Algorithm

The matrix completion problem is to recover a low-rank matrix from a subset of its entries. The main solution strategy for this problem has been based on nuclear-norm minimization which requires computing singular value decompositions — a task that is increasingly costly as matrix sizes and ranks increase. To improve the capacity of solving large-scale … Read more

Lipschitz solutions of optimal control problems with state constraints of arbitrary order

In this paper we generalize to an arbitrary order, under minimal hypotheses, some sufficient conditions for Lipschitz continuity of the solution of a state constrained optimal control problems. The proof combines the approach by Hager in 1979 for dealing with first-order state constraints, and the high-order alternative formulation of the optimality conditions. Citation Published as … Read more

Newton–Picard-Based Preconditioning for Linear-Quadratic Optimization Problems with Time-Periodic Parabolic PDE Constraints

We develop and investigate two preconditioners for a basic linear iterative splitting method for the numerical solution of linear-quadratic optimization problems with time-periodic parabolic PDE constraints. The resulting real-valued linear system to be solved is symmetric indefinite. We propose all-at-once symmetric indefinite preconditioners based on a Newton–Picard approach which divides the variable space into slow … Read more

Estimating Computational Noise

Computational noise in deterministic simulations is as ill-defined a concept as can be found in scientific computing. When coupled with adaptive strategies, the effects of finite precision destroy smoothness of the simulation output and complicate subsequent analysis. Following the work of Hamming on roundoff errors, we present a new algorithm, ECnoise, for quantifying the noise … Read more

A Gauss-Newton approach for solving constrained optimization problems using differentiable exact penalties

We propose a Gauss-Newton-type method for nonlinear constrained optimization using the exact penalty introduced recently by Andre and Silva for variational inequalities. We extend their penalty function to both equality and inequality constraints using a weak regularity assumption, and as a result, we obtain a continuously differentiable exact penalty function and a new reformulation of … Read more